part one.

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-bear in mind this all is happening during the finals of the dfb cup :)

"Congratulations ms. Kovač, you've got the job."

When Fredi Bobić told her that she had gotten the job as a lawyer at Eintracht Frankfurt her heart was about to burst. Everything that she did, she did it so that she can become a sports lawyer. Since childhood she favoritised the SGE. And now, dreams have become reality.

It was quite the nice night in Frankfurt when Katherine left the Commerzbank Arena. She had to stay a little longer on her first day since tomorrow is the DFB-cup Finale. The Eagles versus Bayern Munich. So the brunette had to prepare everything for the trip.

When she got to her apartment, she put on some PJ's and made herself some dinner.
When she finished her diner, she brushed her teeth and went to bed.

Katherine had to get up by 6AM so that she can be at the Frankfurt airport.
When our main character arrived at the airport she had to check in and started to talk with the Balkan Boys.
" Daj reci nam, kako si došla ovamo? "
(~Come on ,tell us, how did you get here?~)
" Everything began when the Homeland war began. My family and young self needed to run from all of that. Especially because my mother was pregnant with my sister. So we came to Frankfurt. Even though I'm from Split, Frankfurt feels like home. This is where I grew up, so when I finished my law school, I came back. I got the job and I couldn't be happier."

They talked for a few more minutes but were interrupted by the voice of the flight attendant telling them that the flight for Berlin is now boarding.

" Man, I CAN'T WAIT TO BEAT BAYERN'S ASS TOMORROW" said Hradecky and everybody smiled. She aswell.

The rest of the day was boring, when they landed the boys went straight to training and Katherine needed to do the paperwork.

"Can't wait for tomorrow. Let's beat Bayern's ass." she thought

a/n: so sorry for such a short chapter but i think you will enjoy the next one :)
pleas comment if you like this chapter and don't forget to vote ❤️

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