Chapter 22 The Security Squad

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The house was clean and quiet once again which always makes Greg feel more .  He was sitting in the large blue over stuffed chair in their tired but well kept living room.  Lying on the matching over stuffed couch was a black and blue Devon.  He was able to convince her to get up and move around, in actual fact he had to get her so angry that she followed him out so she could throttle him.  Once she made it to one of her favorite places and the sun washed over her she simply collapsed on the sofa and smiled at him.  She figured out what he was doing and she loved him for it.  It occurred to her in the last several days that Greg has  always been next to her whenever she got sick or hurt.  He would cook and clean and take care of all her needs and that was when she started to look at him differently.  Her vision had cleared and he was no longer just the best friend and room mate anyone could ask for perhaps he was much more then that.

Elise had made a fresh pot of tea which she set up on the little coffee table with Devon's favourite home baked cookies.  "Thank you she croaked" and offered the best smile she was able.  The pharmacist came back and gave her a thorough check up.  He said it was hard to tell if her jaw had been broken but he was goiing on the side of no to that question.  He felt that she was lucky enough to have severe bruising only.  She should be able to mend fairly quickly but not to talk very much and to get up and move around.  The bruises on her face were now a black purple and made her look as if she had been hit in the face with a baseball bat but as they all know that is not what happened.  Elise believed that the men in back and front of the little house were Communicators and were attempting to either put up spy equipment or to force their way into the house.  "They won't be coming back for awhile dear not with these monster dogs of yours" she gave a chuckle as she pictured the dog holding back several of them.  "But I think we need to do something for Tiberious and Tasselhoff so they can't get shocked again.  Next time they may not be so lucky."  The two sleeping animals heard their names and jumped up in hopes that it meant they were going to get a treat. 

Julie had been sitting in the much smaller chair by the back wall of the small room "now don't you worry about those dogs, I'll do it for you.  I am handy with a sewing laser and can whip something up probably by ...." she hesitated for a moment "probably by tonight and if I am going to get it done on time then I will start right now."  She slapped her lap and got up to leave.  When she walked past Devon the injured girl reached out and grabbed her wrist.  "thank you ..... you are family" "Yeah yeah, I'll bet you say that to all the women making bullet proof vests for two giant guard dogs"!  They all laughed as she made her way to the kitchen table.

Devon was starting to feel much better and thought she was not prepared to be layed up for too long.  She was smart enough to know that this was not going to last very long.  The Communicators will not be willing to just sit back and let them all go, certainly not now.  They were known to hold grudges and everyone knew how they did their pay back.  Usually people will simply disappear and no one would really know what happened to them.  Oh they would guess and were often right but when the Communicators had a vendetta the punishment is often very public.  In the past people who fought back then the Communicators came after them would be found dead in a city square or on a park bench and one time a young man hanging from a tree in front of city hall.  That particular "pay back" caused a lot of trouble for the politicians and especially for the Communicators.  Some people believed that the Agent involved in that killing not only lost his job but he disappeared as well.  No one is allowed to embarass the Agency or the political higher ups. 

They all knew it would be time to leave soon but for now they felt like they lived in a fortress.  The neighourhood teens were good to their word.  They had the tiny cameras up everywhere and set up several vid screens to watch.  There was a car that looked very much like the one the girls glued together that had parked just down the street.  The kids knew they had another spy because no one came out of the car and the windows were kept dark.  Instead of five teenagers doing things to the car it seemed that half of the community came out to damage to the agents car.  It lasted about five minutes before it was seen scurrying off.  Greg couldn't figure out how the driver could see where they were going with all of the decorations glued and painted all over the front.  One of the kids had seen pictures about what people did in the ancient times when someone got married.  He was fascinated with the video that showed a car driving off with  "Just Married"  painted on the side and old cans that were attached by strings to the back bumper.  When it drove off it made a huge clanging noise which made everyone notice them.  The young boy loved the idea and was anxious to try it.  The unfortunate agent's car was the recipient of his curiousity.    As the car pulled out a group of about twenty kids hooped and hollered so loudly that most of the street came out to watch.  "You know, I am starting to feel quite safe in this house" laughed Julie, "I don't think the Communicator Chancellor can get to us!"  They all laughed at the sight of all the kids and the agent driving out of there as fast as he could.

Devon was feeling secure as well but she knew that this could not last.  In the very near future one or more of the kids were going to start to disappear and if that didn't work then there will be open arrests and not just the kids but their families as well.  Devon could not let that happen and she had to pick her time to leave carefully.  She was now able to speak quietly and her jaw was getting more relaxed.

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