Chapter 5

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Let me explain what happen :)
So when Mabel was talking, Bill was torturing dipper (RIP FOR DIPPER) because bill was bored and need to tech dipper a lesson for no reason.
And now on to the chapter

(Dipper P.o.v.)

I woke up in my room that bill give me, I tried to get up but someone arms pulled me back to the bed.

"Stay there pinetree" bill said pulled me closer to him.

"Fine" I answered

Bill was cuddling me until he whispered in my ear.

"I'm Sorry pinetree"

I was in shock Bill Cipher said sorry to me. After bill said that he teleport away probably to his room. Minutes later someone knocked oh my door. I got up to open my door, i open the door to see one of bill friends.

"Hi~ I'm Pyronica" she said smiling

"Hi, dipper but bill calls me pinetree"I said

"That Bill for you" she said laughing. I laugh too "your not wrong" I said "can I come in" she asked " sure" I said

She walked into my room and sat on my bed "your room is not that bad" she said.

"thank" I said closing my door and walking to my desk

"Pyronica right"

"Yup~" she said


Me and Pyronica we're talking for hours until she had to leave. After she left I was alone in my room, I decided to grab one of the books my bookshelf. The book was Called "Tokyo Ghoul vol 1" (yes I watch Tokyo Ghoul it's a good anime) while I was reading I started to get to get hungry.

(Bill P.o.v.)

I hate human feelings there stupid but I feel bad for what I did to my pinetree, I meant Pinetree. I can tell that pinetree is getting hungry so I decided to make some pasta for me and pinetree.

Later on

I finally finish, it's not that bad.

I finally finish, it's not that bad

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(This what bill made)

Cliffhanger because I'm lazy🤣

Hope you enjoy the chapter and "Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!"
(346 words)

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