Chapter 1

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Hello, my little potatoes,

This is my first book so please don't be rude about my grammar.

The Artwork in this book are not mine but sometimes i will show my own artwork and hope you like my book.


(Dipper's P.o.v.)

It's been 3 years since weirdmageddon. Me and mabel are going back to gravity falls for the summer during highschool i came out as gay to my famliy, mabel has exceped it on the other hand my parents hate me for being gay there saying its a sin.

After we got off the bus we were greeted by Grunkle Stan,Soos ,Wendy, and Grunkle ford.'Hey kids welcome back'' Grunkle ford said

Mabel rush over and gave Stan,Soos ,Wendy, and Ford one big hug, well im am puting mabel and my stuff in the car.

- At The mystery shack-

Grunkle Stan thought it be a better idea that me and mable to have your own room, mable got the "secret" room downstairs and i got the attic. I decided to go exploring the woods after dinner, when was on my way to the woods ford pulled me back into the house "Dipper we need to talk" ford said "what is it" "not here we will talk in my lab" ford said, I follow ford to his lab " so what did you want to talk about ford?" "there is a way that bill is still be alive" ford said "h-how i thought we kill"i answered " I thought we did kill him but somehow he is still alive, maybe he's trapped in the statue, anyway dipper be careful in the wood ok." I nodded ok and headed off to the woods.

(3rd P.o.v)

As dipper was walking into the woods exploring the weird mythical creatures in the forest he stumbled upon bill statue. Dipper than heard a sound saying "Hey pinetree~" dipper quickly turned around but no one was there, than a shadow of a person was behind him. As soon as he turned he saw a person that looked about the same age as him, he had black hair in the back of his head and was yellow, he was a bit tan wearing a yellow suit with an eyepatch on his right eye and a cane in one hand and a tophat floating above his head. "Hey pinetree it's been a while," the person said. Dipper remembered only person called him that... "b-bill" he said.

"Oh i'm so happy you remembered me pinetree"

"H-how i thought we kill you bill"

"Well that will by a story for another time pinetree for now how about we make a deal~."


Yes i did a cliffhanger for the first chapter.

I hope you like it ill be posting on the weekends, so see you guys next weekend.


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