Part 12 - Error. File not found.

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*Amount of HUMEs is not enough to tranfer the data between universes. Please activate Scranton Reality Anchors to stabilize the reality.*

*Data restored. Amount of HUMEs is now enough to tranfer data to the universe Alpha-17298. *

Your POV:
It was like a never ending nightmare. You saw, how the O5s gave an order of termination of your family, Bob, SCPs and the entire humanity. You tried to reverse the time, but it didn't work.


This can't be real...

All of that is just a bad dream...


Then why can't you wake up?

Start umd.uep
Taskkill /IM Dream.uep /f

But nothing happened...

ID: SCP 5205
Class podmiot: Multi Exterminans
Special Containment Procedures: Due to his agressive nature, SCP 5205 cannot exist in the reality. SCP 5205's family must be tortured in front of him and then ...

It sounds too familiar... First of all, O5s would never do that to you. You are too valuable for them. Something is wrong with this raport...

... Cannot exist in reality...

... In reality...

Now you understand. It isn't a bad dream. Another reality bender is trying to torture you, but who can that be? Definitely not 343. He wouldn't do that. SCP 239 is in another facility in the state of coma...

Y/N L/N must die to survive...

I will help others, even if others cannot help me. SCP reader x SCP foundationWhere stories live. Discover now