Ready, Set (reprise)

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"That guy needs therapy!
I hope there's a dead therapist
somewhere who can give him
the help he needs!"

"so now what?
we can't just stay in the attic"

"what other choices do we have? there are people down there strangers.
I didn't like strangers
when I was alive!"

"That needy pervert was right.
If we want our house back,
we have to fight for it!"

"Well, how?
No one can see us!"

"We're ghosts, damn it!
Let's... Haunt this bitch!"


Oblivion calls
So we might as well walk through some walls
I'm sure we can haunt our own halls

If we wanna win back our home
I gotta get right outside my comfort zone

We'll rattle chains and
I don't know!
Just wail and moan until they go
Are you willing to take the next step?

Ready, set?–

Ready, set–

Ready, set, lets–

(Both make stereotypical ghost noises)

Beetlejuice the Musical Scriptحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن