Chapter 3

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        The balcony door carefully opened and Sander felt relieved when he saw Amber. He quickly hugged his sleepy girlfriend and she hesitantly hugged him back. He knew she was confused, but he couldn't explain anything to her. Not yet anyway.

        "Sander? What's the matter? Why are you here?" Amber asked him when they broke apart from their hug.

        "Amber, would you love me no matter what I was?" Sander quickly asked her, catching her off guard.

        "What?" she laughed.

        "Answer the question. Would you love me if, say, I wasn't captain of the lacross team or if I looked the way I do?" Sander asked seriously.

        Amber stopped laughing and smiled at him. "But, Sander, you are captain of the lacross team, and you're hot. Why would you ask that question?"

        Sander felt his heart break. She was avoiding the question. "Just answer me."

        She stopped smiling and plainly said, "No, I wouldn't. Now why do you want to know?"

        "Because I've become one of them," Sander quietly said.

        Her face fell. She suddenly looked afraid, and it broke Sander's heart even more. She shook her head and frowned at him. 

        "Get out," she said, pointing to her balcony door.


        "I said get out! We're done! Now leave me alone Sander!" Amber shouted.

        Sander ran out of her room and basically fell down the tree before running off again. Fresh tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran through the trees again. He wanted to hide and vanish from the world entirely, but that couldn't happen now that the town knew he was a bird-person. How could he hide from the people he cared about? He no longer cared about the school, what his test scores would be, what college he would go to, or about what happened to him.


        She was hiding in the tree again. The Original had been hiding in the same tree for three days, hiding from the world that wanted her genes. After spending years in that awful cell the surgeons called her home, she learned their weaknesses and their strengths. She would kill them all and whatever they created with her genes.

        "Are you sure you'll kill everyone that accepted your genes?" a voice said.

        "Yes, I'll kill all the humans who took it," she said.

        The shadow circled around her inside the tree. "But they're no longer human...they're now like you."

        "No one can be like me," she spat. "No one wants to be like me."

        The shadow disappeared and she was alone again. No matter what, she'd kill them all, just like before when they last tried to take her genes almost a hundred years ago. She killed over three hundred surgeons and guards who tried to control her and condemn her to servitude. She'd been willing to do it again if necessary.

        She suddenly felt something in her gut. She raised her eyes up from the ground and looked at the night sky. An evil smile formed at her lips as she knew what the feeling meant. She was part of all the other new creatures out there who were becoming like her. She felt what they were feeling, and they felt an uncontrolable sense of loyalty toward her. The Original form of them was the one in control.

        "The tables have turned, pathetic humans."


        Hello! Sorry that there wasn't a lot of action in this chapter, but I promise there's some coming!

        Just so you don't get confused, the point of view from the Original is happening in the past, not at the same time as Sander.

        Please vote on this if you enjoyed it and comment on anything that happened. Cya guys later!

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