Chapter 2

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        "How were those tests today? Did you pass?" Tom asked as he and Sander walked through the crowd of dancing people. The music was so loud that Sander could barely hear him. "I think I failed them all."

        "I'm not sure, but I'll find out on Monday," Sander told him.

        They were at a club for his and Amber's birthday, and he'd lost sight of his girlfriend. He was a little worried because she stopped at home to change clothes and she arrived wearing extremely short shorts, a crop top, fish net stockings, combat boots, and her hair was wild. He was afraid someone would get the wrong message from her. The crowd of people swallowed her up and now he had to search the whole building to find her.

        "Dude, we aren't going to find her here, she'll turn up eventually," Tom said.

        He nodded. Sander was getting bored and for some strange reason he was beginning to feel claustrophobic. He and Tom partied and danced all night, and he was right, Amber did show up eventually. It was almost one in the morning before they went home, and Sander had to drop Amber off at her house. They pulled up to her home and sat in the truck for a moment.

        "Thanks for taking us there," Amber smiled.

        Sander smiled back. "No problem."

        She leaned in and kissed him before jumping out of the car as she said, "See you on Monday!"

        Once she was in the house, Sander drove home and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His shoulders were itching and he took his hands off the wheel so he could scratch. As soon as his hands left the wheel, the car jerked to the left into the other lane of traffic toward an oncoming car. Sander panicked and grabbed the steering wheel and cranked it to the right. His car turned sideways and flew into the ditched and rolled several times. Sander closed his eyes, afraid that this was the end, and he felt his hands grow warmer and warmer until they became hot and he had to open his eyes.

        "What the-" he swore, confused.

        His car was in a wrecked heap in the ditch, but he was laying in the grass beside it, completely undamaged save a completely torn shirt. He stood up quickly and looked around, seeing no one nearby who could've saved him. Sander looked down at his hands, still feeling their warmth, and could've sworn that they were glowing yellow, but he blinked at them and the glow vanished. His back began to itch terribly and he looked over his shoulder as much as he could to see what was wrong and froze when he saw a small pair of white angel wings beginning to grow.

        He didn't breathe, didn't blink, didn't even move. Sander stared at the white feathered wings growing out of his shoulders, and he suddenly felt like he could faint. He looked back down at his hands and was...relieved? They weren't glowing, which he was happy about. He closed his eyes.

        "This is only a dream," he said to himself. "That's all. When you open your eyes you'll be inside that wrecked car and there'll be no wings sprouting forth from your back and your hands won't glow ever again."

        He opened his eyes and quickly looked at hi back again. His face fell when he still saw the wings there and he wanted to shout in frustration. He wouldn't become one of the people that become monsters. They all had wings and bird features and he refused to become one of them.

        Damn it! What the hell am I going to do?! He thought to himself.


        "Are you alright?" Sander's mother shouted as she ran to him.

        Sander didn't have a cellphone anymore to call some help. He waited until a car was passing by and they quickly called the police for help as well as for an ambulance, despite Sander's protests. They all showed up within ten minutes and the paramedics quickly set to work on Sander to make sure that he was alright, but they quickly stopped when they saw his wings. Once they refused to help him, another medic came over to help him.

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