Chapter 3

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3rd person P.O.V:

"Agent H.Q. what do we do now?" Came a voice through her bracelet receiver.

"Agent Andrew, gather the injured on the planes and go back, make sure everyone stays safe. I will ask that you bring back a plane in an hour, can you do that?" K.C. asked, as she held the receiver to her mouth awaiting a response.

"I'm sorry agent H.Q., but we don't have enough fuel in any of the planes to actually do round trips," came the reply, hearing a snort form the other side of the room, she rolled her eyes before replying with ", its okay, your top priority is to make sure that those agents and other agents are safe and healthy, I suggest that you leave me some equipment, like clothes food and a fake identity, you never know, until then I'll figure it out, agent H.Q. out."

She made sure to put emphasis on 'other', so he could get the idea of how much she despised them. But instead she just got a smirk for a reply. And she couldn't hold it in any longer before she exploded.

"I'm sorry, is this funny to you?" She asked, waving her arms around to get her point across. "Because last time I checked we actually wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

"Excuse me." It was supposed to be a question but it came out more like a statement.

"Yeah you heard me, I had it all planned out, those were my agents, my mission, my company, my agency's mission, and thanks to you we're going to be stuck for an hour, with any luck we'll survive without killing each other." She scoffed , crossing her arms and turning away from him.

"Well, listen here, sweetheart, but last time I checked I was here first and I was the one who had everything under control so sit down 'miss too late, and never able to get the job done' , so let's not go there," he sneered, raising his eyebrows at her with an attitude.

She spun right around, and snapped back at him ", okay first of don't call me sweetheart, I will have you know I've never been late in my entire life, and I will go there, you came out of nowhere okay, so when I save us you can go back to your boss and tell them that you all don't need to be here anymore, got it?"

"Well guess what, honey, that's not happening, my boss, had worked too hard and far for him to just be like okay bye, okay? Miss, Headquarters," he said smugly, as he watched her face momentarily lose its confidence.

"How do you know that?" she asked, although she didn't want to admit defeat she really couldn't just leave her curiosity to eat away at her for eternity.

"Let's just say, once upon a time, okay, hon," he said back, giving her a face full of attitude.

"Okay, don't call me, sweetheart, honey, hon, darling or anything, got it, or are you too dumb too understand," she retaliated as her previous competeivitenss came back.

"Whatever you say, babe," he remarked.

"Don't call me ba-," but she slowed down as she realised what he had said, it sounded way too familiar, way too much like, him. But it couldn't be, he didn't look like him at all but then again, it could be a mask like hers, it wouldn't really hurt if she were to try, no she couldn't bring her hopes up like that. She turned back to see him raising his eyebrows at her.

She shook her head before she answered his unsaid question,a small smile forming, with a little too much information then necessary ", sorry you just sound like someone I knew, you know what I even sent him off at the border of Canada, because people were trying to kill him, I never knew what happened to him after, or even if he is alive, but I really want to know what happened, I would give anything to know that he's safe, and alive, and happy, even if I'm not the one making him happy."

He stared at her, without saying anything and just kept staring, his face blank without emotion, it made her uncomfortable. But with the one question that came out of his mouth next made her heart stop. Her smile fell.


The next thing she did surprised not only him but her, as well. She slapped him.

"Ow, what was that for?" he asked as he messaged his new red cheek.

"That's for never contacting me and letting me know you were okay." she fumed, before she surprised him again by pulling him in for a hug ", that's for being okay."

He laughed at her reactions before he pulled off his mask, revealing the face that she had missed however it had a beard not that she minded but she did prefer a clean shaven face. She followed his directions and also pulled off her own mask. They smiled but before anything good lasted, an interruption came from an unknown source.

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