Chapter 5

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She stared, her eyes almost popping out of her sockets. She couldn't believe that this is where Brett had lived, she thought he lived in Canada. And before she could even start uttering useless questions he muttered ",I'll explain later, oh and play along, will ya?"

They walked in and the first thing that came to K.C's attention wasn't what Brett had ended his comment with, but it was the enlightening interior, she marveled at the jaw dropping objects, there was a chandelier that circled longer as it got closer to the ground and stopped at the second floor, the stairs were to her left, made of white marble and the railing a beautiful black, with an intricate ending, a swirl with what seemed to be a water splash , there was a big glass mirror on her right, with a small table in front of it holding, almost withered, roses. They walked down the corridor and into a big kitchen, but before K.C. could even register anything, a voice interrupted her tour.

"Brett, honey is that you?" said a woman's voice, K.C.'s jealousy instantly rose a few levels before she reminded herself that she couldn't fall for him again, she couldn't let her feelings resurface. She had managed to put an iron wrapping around her heart, and it grew stronger after she had realised who it was that was trapped with her just a few hours ago. After a few seconds an old woman appeared, Brett walked up to her, and gave her a hug.

"Hi mum," he sighed, his stress momentarily gone. He had missed his mother, it had been far too long as he had been too busy to visit very often.

"Oh, Brett, how I've missed you, and who's this?" she questioned, but it wasn't a warding off question it was more inviting.

Brett mouthed 'sorry' before he answered with ", this is my girlfriend, K.C."

"Oh, so you're the lovely girl, you know however Brett barely mentions you" she laughed, ", anyway what brings you here, are you on business?" she asked, she went ahead and started what she had originally entered the kitchen for, cooking, however it was a bit slow.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't really know it was a last minute trip, but you know mum we have to get ready for some business and rest up," Brett explained, his hands pointing everywhere, as he tried to get off his mother's radar.

"Okay, honey, that's fine, just make sure that your health and safety, and hers as well, come first," she said, smiling softly towards K.C., and K.C. couldn't help but smile back. Her iron wrapping melted, just the slightest bit, but I mean who wouldn't.

Grabbing her hand, Brett dragged her up towards what she presumed to be his room. He closed the door behind him and threw their stuff on his bed. He turned back around to her only to see her looking at him expectantly ", explain."

He sighed before he started ", okay, first off, I had to tell her you were my girlfriend because she's always worrying about me and I wanted at least one of her worries to be lifted from her shoulder."

"Mhmm," K.C. said, her eyebrows raised, and in return she got an eye roll.

"My mother has lived here since her and my father split up, she doesn't exactly know that I'm a spy nor that he was, or that he was a bad guy, so I just tell her he died, it's easier for the both of us, so when you sent me to Canada, I found a job and worked for two weeks before I had enough to escape to Australia, finding her, I lived with her until I picked myself up, and of course that didn't take long, and so then after year or two I moved back to Canada and not too long after I founded the Originals, and so now here we are, posing as a couple." he explained, while he was doing this he had walked into his closet and was now proccedding to, play with his watch?

"Um, what are you doing?" she asked looking over his shoulder, her confusion wasn't really being hid very well.

"I'm opening a passageway to my headquarters here in Australia, so we can go back to our main homes, you know?" he said with a tone that said isn't it obvious.

While he played around with his clock, K.C. looked around the room, in the left corner, the floor rose, as it held a study desk, and some bookshelves behind. On the right corner near the door he had a dressing table, with a few colognes, on the same wall the door was on, the walk-in closet entrance was. Two white marble nightstands with black draws, sat tightly around a queen size bed, with a black headboard was accompanied by dark green silk sheets, only two pillows if K.C. had it her way she would have put around 6 pillows to make it more homey. And in the top right corner near the bed sat a guitar in a guitar rest.

Finally after playing around with the clock for what seemed hours, a secret door opened up inside of his walk-in closet. There was a hallway and at the end of the corridor K.C. could see what she presumed to be an elevator.

Walking in, K.C. followed suit, a bit sceptical but nonetheless still bewildered by the sight, it wasn't much right now but the fact that he had something like this that wasn't his main home, she could tell what kind of person he was, the person only K.C. could see all those years ago.

A person who has been trapped for far too long.

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