Chapter 8

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She woke up with a groan, she looked to her left and saw a napping Ernie. She creased her eyebrows, unsure of what was going on, before shooting up, every little detail coming back to her, her action enough to wake up Ernie.

"Hu-wha- don't hit me take her," Ernie mumbled, not yet back to his conscious state just yet.

"Hey, how ya doing now?" he queried, once he got back to his senses.

"Me, forget about me, where's Brett, is he okay, what happened, and why are you here?" she flung at him with these racing questions, uncovering the sheets to go check, but was stopped.

"Okay, woah, relax, you can go visit him during visiting hours, he's in the intensive care ward and they have strict times, he'll be fine, and I'm here because, I know how dumb you really can be so take it easy," he answered, as he pushed her gently back into the pillows, pouring her a glass of water.

He saw her questioning glaze, and sighed, a smile graced his lips though, "I tracked your call, here, to Australia! And I came and brought a team 'cause well I know you and your crazy stunts , we tracked you and while you were in hospital, some of the criminals escaped my team and I 'assisted' in catching the crooks, well more of did the whole job, I asked about your whereabouts and here I am."

"Thanks," she chuckled, pulling him in for a hug. As they waited for visiting hours to commence she told him about her story and filled him in about what had happened in the last 24 hours.

After what felt like a lifetime to K.C., visiting hours for the intensive care ward initiated at 11:00 a.m . She ran, slowing down with each step closer. She sat down, her silent tears, streamed down her trembling face, she smiled, blessed to know that he was still alive. She stroked his hair, moving it out of his eyes. She watched him sleep peacefully sleep, as more water streamed down her face.

After about 5-10 minutes later, did he start to stir, K.C. held her breath, her heart pounding so hard that she thought it'd burst right out and fly to China. He opened his eyes and smiled, gently bringing up his hand to wipe away her tears and gave her the words of comfort she needed to hear ", I'm okay, you can relax now, I'm fine."

And that's when she really broke down, her sobs echoing around, she did her best to silence herself, but only did so when he squeezed her hand reassuringly. So for the entire time of the visiting time frame, they sat in a comfortable silence, their presence the other's source of medicine.

A couple of days went by and Brett was discharged from the hospital, and they flew right back home.


"Today marks a new age, a new beginning for us, the Organisation, and for the Originals, for today marks a new alliance, between two of the best world spy institutions, with this here treaty," exulted Ernie, while handing over the agreement to K.C. and Brett, once he had also signed the treaty.

Everyone cheered as they vanquished this new hope, going ahead and enjoying the banquet commemorated for the two agencies.


"So, ready for our first-third date again, babe?" requested Brett as he took K.C.'s hand and led her to the car door.

She giggled as she retorted back with ", as long as it's normal, then yeah, I am."

Brett smirked at her before he too hopped into the driver's seat, holding her hand as they drove off, their laughter leaving a trail of joy, for anyone to enjoy.

Meeting you again (K.C. x Brett)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن