Arriving in Rivendell

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Elena's POV

I'm waiting outside while the others inspect the trolls cave. Honestly the smell is disgusting. I wonder if I'll ever smell properly again. They finally come out, Gandalf handing Bilbo an Elvish dagger. Which is the right size for a sword for Bilbo. Hopefully he never has to use it. But I'll teach him some moves, just encase. I suddenly pick up the sound of something approaching fast. "Something's coming!" I shout gaining their attention.

"Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves" Gandalf orders. We do so and Bilbo draws his new sword. Radagast rides at full speed through the forest on his rabbit drawn sled. He pulls up short by the Company. I relax sheathing my sword.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" he shouts.

"Radaghast!" I shout with a smile.

"Radaghast the Brown" Gandalf says. "Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" he asks him.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong" Radaghast states. "Lovely to see you again Elena, wish it was under better circumstances" he adds.

"It's fine, go talk with Gandalf" I tell him. He smiles and leads Gandalf a little ways away. I go over to the rabbits. "Hey Thumper, Digger, Chomp" I say smiling as I pat the lead rabbits head. "Fawn, Daisy, Mozart, Penny. He brought you all I see" I say giggling as Thumper looks for a carrot. "No treats I'm afraid" I tell them.

Suddenly, a howl is heard in the distance. I look in the direction glaring. "Was that a wolf? Are there--are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asks worried.

"That was no wolf" I growl as I draw my dagger. From behind a nearby crag, a Warg appears; it leaps into the midst of the Company, knocking down one of the dwarves.

I throw a dagger getting it in it s side. But Thorin strikes and kills it using his new sword. Another Warg attacks from the other side; Kili shoots it with an arrow, bringing it down. However, it gets back up, only to be killed by Dwalin. "Warg-Scouts!" Thorin states.

"Which means there's an orc pack close by" I state as Gandalf returns with Radaghast.

"Orc pack?" Bilbo asks fearful.

"Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" Gandalf asks Thorin.

"No one" Thorin tells him.

"Guys, this wasting time" I tell them.

"What in Durin's name is going on?" Thorin demands.

"You're being hunted" I tell him as I retrieve my dagger and sheath it.

"We have to get out of here" Dwalin says stating the obvious.

"We can't! We have no ponies; they bolted. Only Garth remained" he states. Just then Garth walks over nudging me.

"I'll draw them off" Radaghast states.

"I'll help" I state mounting Garth.

"These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you both" Gandalf tells us.

"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try" Radaghast says proudly.

"No warg has ever out run Garth and they won't start today" I tell him. Radaghast hopes onto his sled. "Be-careful and I'll meet you in Imladris" I add. He nods his head and leads the company away. "Race you through the hidden valley?" I ask Radaghast.

"You make sure you catch up with your company, do not worry about me" he tells me. I nod my head. We take off through the forest at top speed, soon wargs begin to chase us. "Come and get me! Ha ha!" Radaghast laughs.

"No, after me!" I shout as we reach the hidden valley. I notice on the other side of the rocky plains. Gandalf leading the company. They should make it to the hidden pass safely, as long as we keep the attention off of them.

Radagast drives his sled beneath an overhanging projection of rock; he ducks. But the Orc on the Warg behind him gets knocked off. I chuckle and jump over a high rock. It was to high for the warg behind us and it crashed into it.

As the Warg scouts chase Radagast and I. I notice one of them stop and scent the air. Damn it, must smell the company. I grab a throwing knife and prepare to toss it. But before I can Kili shots the warg with an arrow. The noise they made killing it and the rider. Attracted the attention of the others.

The Wargs and Orcs stop chasing Radagast as they hear roars and screams from behind the rocks.  "Damn it" I growl and toss my knife at a warg with no rider. Killing it. As we pass it I hang off the saddle and grab it. Before righting myself as Garth turns sharply to avoid the teeth of a warg. I guide Garth towards the company to try slow down the wargs and orcs.

Garth kicks an orc off a warg and tramples the both. "Elena!" Bilbo shouts.

"Stay with Gandalf, I'll handle this" I tell him. I grab my sword and start to behead orcs. Only problem I'm to high up to do the same to the wargs. Kili shots them with his bow and arrows though.

"Where is Gandalf?" I hear Kili shout.

"He has abandoned us!" Dwalin shouts. The dwarves gather close to each other near the rock. Ori shoots a rock at the orc leader with his slingshot, to no effect. Thorin pulls out his sword. Garth and I stand in front of the group as he neighs loudly.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin shouts.

Gandalf pops up from a crack in the rock. "This way you fools!" he shouts.

"Go!" I tell the company. As the Wargs approach, the dwarves and Bilbo slide into the large crack in the rock, sliding into a cave. Thorin kills a Warg that gets too close as Kili shoots another. While I continued to behind the orc riders.

"Kili! Run!" Thorin shouts at his nephew. Thorin and Kili jump into the crack last. As an elf patrol appears. Helping me take care of the rest of the orc pack. I notice Radaghast is gone, hopefully he got away safely.

Garth relaxes as I pat his neck. "You did good Garth" I praise him. The head elf approaches me on his horse. "Thank you for the help, I thought we were done for" I tell him smiling. "Elena, at your service" I add dipping my head in respect.

"You are welcome, I am Lord Elrond of Rivendell. What is your business here?" he asks me.

"My group and I are traveling to the Iron Hills. We hoped to rest and restock in Rivendell before crossing the Misty Mountains" I tell him. "They are probably already there" I add.

"Then let us all go and I can tend to that leg of yours" he tells me. I look down to see a small cut on my calf. I nod my head and follow the elves back to Rivendell. We arrive in a court yard and they circle the company. I dismount Garth and hold his reins.


Gif above of Radaghast and his rabbits. Picture on the external link of the company arriving in Rivendell.

Elena: It was great to see you again old friend

Radaghast: It was, you should visit for tea when this is all over

Elena: of course, Gandalf want to join?

Gandalf: Yes, but right now you and I have to rejoin the company before they reach Rivendell without us.

Elena: oh very well, thank you for helping us Radaghast. See you later

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