Feels in Hell's Kitchen

Start from the beginning

Sim: I don't think you should. Not like it matters

Solomon: Is that jealousy I hear?

Sim: Course not. Diavolo has a man already

Solomon: Wait

Solomon: He and Lucifer are finally together????

Diavolo: Well, you see,

Asmo: D has been keeping quiet about Lucifer because in his words 'it's too soon to say anything'

Asmo: Which is code for "we're dating but Lucifer doesnt wanna tell anyone so keep it a secret or I'll lynch you"

Diavolo: I'm not lynching anyone

MC: wheeze you really only denied that part

Solomon: Alright. Got it.

DM: Solomon & Asmo

Solomon: Hey hey

Asmo: I would be flattered by how quickly you slid into my DMs 

Asmo: but I'm afraid I'm used to it

Solomon: I figured.

Solomon: But seriously, I wanted to ask if there was anything I should know beforehand about the group chat.

Solomon: You know, so I don't say something insensitive or stupid.

Asmo: Oh wow, that's very considerate 

Asmo: ummm dont press anyone about their love interests, but I guess Simeon is an exception for you since you're close

Solomon: Lol yeah.

Asmo: Don't ask about the chat logs before you joined. Sensitive stuff

Asmo: We mostly just tease each other instead of actually helping lmao. I think that's all

Solomon: Understood.

Solomon: I look forward to teasing you then ;)

DM: Asmo & Lucifer


Lucifer: What?

Asmo: I just need to scream at someone

Asmo: I hate puppy love

Asmo: sent a screenshot

Lucifer: Oh I see. By all means, go ahead and scream.

not like other girls

MC: its been too long since we've done something stupid

MC: also Barbatos refuses to join this chat I've been pestering him for a MONTH

Beel: MC, you and I should go out

Beel: I never really got to talk to you about this Belphie situation

MC: oh wow, i didnt even realize

MC: ok lets go to Hell's Kitchen later

Mammon: i say we ALL go

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