#2 Reunited

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All rights goes to the creators of Merlin, all I own is Madelyn.


Hearing her name Madelyn looked up and around, not seeing the one she knew owned that voice. Suddenly a hand fell on her shoulder, turning her around and almost crushing her in a hug. Smiling she hugged back as she knew the messy black hair that now tickled her cheek. Before any of them could speak a cry was heard and it startled all the crowd and the siblings. The wailing woman stood facing the balcony on which King Uther stood.

"There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance! You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son."

"Seize her!" With the King's shout the guards rushed just as the old woman disappears in smoke.

Eventually the crowd calmed down and the guards keeps searching as people disperse.

"W-what?" At Merlin's confused words Madelyn looked at him and tugged him towards the castle.

"Magic is banned here Merlin, any association with magic and sorcery people loose their lives, your really need to be careful." Her quiet words reaching only his ears as they made their way through the castle until they came to a stop at the bottom of some stairs.

"We must part here, I'm going to meet a customer and you need to get to where you're expected." Seeing his confused she relaxed and smiled shaking her head.

"You're here to see the court-physician, remember? Gaius?"

"Oh that's right! I better hurry, he's probably waiting."

Smiling wider she hugged him close again.

"You go up these stairs and if you get lost just as anyone and they'll probably help. I'm so glad to see you again Merlin, I've missed you so and I wish we could talk more right now but let's meet tomorrow at the market... at the middle of the day?"

After agreeing and kissing her head Merlin rushed up the stairs, almost tripping.

"That wasn't my fault!" making his sister laugh and shake her head before continuing her day, happier than she had been in a long time.


The next day Madelyn had waited for her brother at the market the best she could but eventually had to make her arrends. Almost done she made it to the end of the marketplace and there she found the answers to her worries.

A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the raven haired boy in the stocks.

"Really Merlin? The stocks? Let me guess... not your fault?"

The boy smiled wide and looked up to at the young woman standing beside him.

"Maddy! I've been looking for my favourite big sister! Look how popular I am already!" He waved weakly towards the children who gathered with new energy and not so new vegetables.

Shaking her head Madelyn couldn't but smile seeing him. "You always know how to make me smile don't you? "

"It's all I've ever wanted to achieve Maddy, anything for you." The boy looked at her with nothing but honesty and love.

*smack *

A tomato hit Merlin right on his face which made Madelyn's hands itch, both to wipe it of and to protect her younger brother. Seeing her worried face he smiled wider and shrugged the best he could.

"To be honest it kinda was my fault. Love you sis."

"I know Merlin, love you aswell. And I'd do anything for you."


When Merlin was finally released from the stocks Madelyn was there to wipe the most off him the best she could and she didn't leave him until he was back at Gaius door.

"Maddy you didn't have to walk me back, besides IF i did something clumsy again I'm sure no guard wishes to touch...this" Merlin smirked and gestured towards himself, stinking and dressed in wet, soggy clothes from all the vegetables.

Madelyn just laughed slightly and picked the last piece of lettuce from his hair smiling at him.
"I know I'm just... worried. You saw what happend to Thomas, to people that have..." the words died out on her lips as the smile left and her eyes glanced over with tears and she hugged her brother close.

"I love you Merlin, I can't loose you. Please be careful."

" I promise I'll try, for you."

Not edited

Merlin's sister the seamstress - lancelot love storyWhere stories live. Discover now