Skill count. I hate humanity... just not yet Chapter 4

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Author: we deserve the hate

The only thing that I can do now is get somewhere safe and continue reading this stupid book, skill, thing and my other skills. That is all I can think to do now.
At the time I was looking for a cave to hide in even though I could just hide underground. I just didn't think to dig at the time.

First I tried to talk to the butler of Distarcania. After half a night of crawling/slithering I finally figured out how to talk to him while figuring out the general way to use the skill - ask the butler.
What do you want worm
'Insert name here': How do I use my skills
That is all you called me for you insect
'Insert name here': First off according to our goddess's book, I am a monster and not a mere bug. Second off I still need to defend myself for whatever Distarcania's plan is. Third -
Enough! The likes of you at this point in time is not all that important and should learn their place... *sigh* Besides I can only give you a rough understanding of some of your skills and not all of them

worm's vitality - is just your ability to heal. It will activate whenever you are cut but blunt force will not heal quite as fast

world eater - is just your instinct to devour anything and the source of your 'infinite stats' is this as well.

(LOCKED - #%^<£\¥ Skill #*€$@ $#@&€ €<0!}^%~+ uses remaining :8) - I can't even begin to guess this since the last world eater didn't even have anything like this so I guess it is from you being a variant and has a unique unlock condition so good luck with that.

extremely limited lesser molecular remodeling - anything that you eat you can tear apart at the atomic level and put together. You could be thought of as a god with enough knowledge of chemistry or just eat a planet whole and make any thing that you desire. Including new species. You use this by superheating you're stomach to the point of creating the 5th state of matter and controlling everything within your stomach. Imagination is your friend here.

safe eater - nothing you eat will harm you including but not limited to - acid, poison, fire, radiation, black holes, weapon, parasitic organisms, etc.

unique blessing - goddess of intellect and sin's guidebook - a collection of all the knowledge that Distarcania accumulated and only what she wants you to know is accessible unless through some act of the dreamer you surpass her which you will have access to everything in the book. Slight desire to read this will make it manifest.

skill eater - the skills of anything you eat are transferred to you but the skills will be decayed. If the prey is still alive you only steal one skill and can't take anymore even after they die. If the bite kills them results will vary. Skills can and will compile

adapter - in exchange for 75% of your current max hp, mp, and stamina you will change to survive your current circumstances easier. You need an immense desire to live no matter what to even attempt to activate this skill

form eater - your being will temporarily deform itself to bite, swallow, and digest/atomically dismantle. Will return to normal once process is done.

well that is unfortunate - brings misfortune to the user and anyone relatively nearby for the next 100 hours. Can be used repeatedly but the hours stack. The one with the most bad luck will be the user.

I was reborn as the Eater Of Worlds... so why am I a wormOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant