The young girl who had been busy feeding her dog looked up towards Tammy and Al before shifting her dark brown eyes to the tv.

"My name is Alpha Crimson and I have placed a one billion dollar bounty on my mate. Listen to my next words very carefully, you are NOT to touch my mate. If so much as a single hair is touched, I will kill you in the most painful way possible. And, little mate, I'll see you very soon," Tammy and Al stared in horror at the television as the Alpha smiled in a sadistic manner before the screen diverted back to the news anchor.

Both the waitress and her husband were brought back to reality as the sound of a glass shattering against the marble flooring could be heard. Tammy rushed to the young lady who sat completely frozen with the glass of apple juice laying broken on the floor.

"You okay, sugaah?" Tammy questioned worriedly while placing a gentle hand on the girls trembling body. Her dark brown eyes were frozen on the television with unshed tears and Tammy wondered what could have scared her so much.

"Don't worry, we won't charge you extra. Here, let me get you another glass," Tammy comforted the brunette as Al rushed towards the two with a dustpan and broom.

"Uh, thank you, Alpha Crimson," the news anchor was almost as petrified as the young lady seated at her diner which made Tammy wonder how dangerous the Alpha really was. Since her and her husband are human, they didn't really care to meddle into werewolf affairs.

"Here is a picture of Mrs. Crimson who was last seen at the party as I have mentioned before. Please contact this number if you have any sightings to report" the news anchor concluded his speech and displayed a candid photo taken of the Alpha's mate.

Tammy placed the new glass of Apple juice on the table as the girl mumbled a quick reply that Tammy did not hear. As the young lady began to quickly pack up her belongings, Tammy stared in between her and the television.

On the television, there was a picture of a beautiful girl laughing alongside a small boy. The girl was dressed in a dark blue satin dress, her dark hair cascaded down in loose curls and there was cake smeared on her cheeks. Even though the joyful girl on the television differed drastically from the gloomy one in front of her, Tammy had a hunch that these two girls were the same person.

"Mrs. Crimson?" Tammy called out as Kaira was about to run out of the diner with Simba.

Kaira froze dead in her tracks. Even if she were to run out, if the older couple were to call that number, then Alpha Crimson would have authorities on the lookout for her within seconds. Plus, the weather conditions are horrible today, if she were to be chased by car, it would be too dangerous for her to speed away.

"Don't be scared, we won't call them, sugaah. We don't need that kind of filthy money, right Al?" Tammy reassured as her husband poked his head out from the kitchen and nodded in agreement.

Kaira swiftly sunk to the floor in exhaustion. She had barely eaten and did not sleep more than half an hour in the past three days. After running away from Beta Rick's territory, Kaira drove as far out South as she could. She guessed that Alpha Crimson would probably grill her friends on which location Kaira had family and acquaintances so Kaira chose the South where she knows absolutely nobody.

"Oh no, ya poor thing," Kaira could barely make out the frantic voice of Tammy as she slowly slipped out of consciousness.

Kaira drifted awake to the sound of a little girl's laughter and Simba's playful barking. She stirred on the stiff sofa she was laying on before getting up and coming face to face with a little girl, no older than five perhaps. Judging by her dirty blonde hair and dimples, she guessed that this girl is related to Tammy.

Alpha Crimson's Unpredictable Mate Where stories live. Discover now