Perfect Harmony

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Now I can look into your eyes all day
And just say, "Oh oh oh. Oh oh oh."
I wanna harmonize with your melody
And just sing, "Oh oh oh."

Ain't it a Perfect Harmony?

You sang. Luka stared at you with a mesmerizing stare. He remembers the first time he heard you sing. It was the third grade and he had gone to look for you during recess. He spotted you behind a tree and you were singing the song he and his dad were writing. He remembers how his heart skipped and the feeling of butterflies in his stomach.

"I love it so much" Your smile faltered. "Marinette is a lucky girl"

Luka felt his heart sink to his stomach. He hadn't told you that he broke up with her. Then again, they did split just yesterday. He hoped to tell you today. Before he could correct you, your phone began to ring.

"Hold on" You picked up the call. "Hey, babe"

Babe? Luka shifted in his seat. He noticed your cheeks flushing a light pink color and your eyes glistened with happiness. Your smile was small but sweet. His sunken heart shattered when he realized what was going on.

"I told you that I'm talking to my friend from Paris" You moved a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. "Yeah. Dinner sounds great tomorrow. Okay. See you. Bye"

You made a kissing sound before hanging up. You placed your phone down and looked back at Luka. "Sorry about that"

"You're dating someone?" Luka managed to smile. You looked so happy. He doesn't want to ruin that. This is how you must have felt. He feels like such a jerk.

"Yeah. Do you remember Owen? I introduced him to you and the others last year. Well, it's him" You giggled. "We started dating early this year"

"I'm happy for you" Luka took in a deep breath.

"Thanks" You smiled. "So, how's it going with Mari?"

Luka was hesitant to answer. "It's going fine"

"Really? That's great" You swirled in your chair.

"Anyway, how has your birthday been?" Luka changed the topic. You told him about your day, how your parents prepared your favorite foods, how your friends surprised you with gifts at school, how your boyfriend prepared a surprise party at your dance studio. The two of you discussed more topics than just that. Luka told you about what has been going on in school recently, catching you up to date with Juleka's modeling, Kitty Section's gigs, and pretty much anything he could think of.

It felt nice talking to Luka again. You felt that comfortable feeling you get whenever you're with him. You missed him.

Luka listened to you laugh at what he just told you. Just like the day you moved next door, your laugh still sent butterflies to his stomach. He always felt bad about not remembering his earliest memories with you while you did. You and the rest of your friends and families would tell him that the two of you met before Juleka was born, but he could only remember meeting you during the third grade. That means you have more memories of him than he has of you.

"I'm sorry" Luka looked at you with a sad smile.

"Why are you sorry?" You stopped laughing and stared at him.

"Because I don't remember the first time we met"

"That's in the past. There's no need for you to say sorry" You smiled, feeling relieved that it wasn't something serious. "Plus, I was sort of hiding from you"

Luka laughed. He thought back to your childhood. "I do remember one thing"

"And what's that?"

"When you held my hand when Juleka was born" Luka's eyes met yours. You felt your cheeks flush pink. "I was so scared that day because I had no idea what was going on, but you held my hand to calm me down. You also held my hand when my dad died"


"I guess I just wanted to say thank you" He gave you a small smile.

"There's no need" Your soft voice soothed him across the screen. "I would do it a thousand times again"

That earned a small chuckle from Luka. You always had a way to make him laugh or smile. He just didn't realize that until now. Seeing you made him feel fuzzy inside. The kind that would make him want to rush over to where you are and just embrace you. But he knows he can't do that. For one, you're all the way in (hometown). Second, you have a boyfriend. He lost his chance with you. He knew you couldn't wait for him forever. He knew that. But that doesn't stop his heart from aching.

The two of you continued your conversation until your different time zones began to take a toll on both of you. That night, Luka laid in bed and thought about everything the two of you talked about. He thought about how happy you looked, how your eyes sparkled under your bedroom light every time you smiled or laughed, how you talked about your friends and family, how you explained how boring your patrols can get.

How you looked when you talked to your boyfriend.

Luka let out a deep sigh. He stared at his ceiling. Why did he have to be so naive? Why couldn't he figure out how he felt about you before you left? Why -

"I would be careful about those emotions you are feeling" Luka sat up and turned to see a small floating snake fly towards him. He had almost forgotten that he wasn't alone in his room. Sass looked at him with a gentle smile. Ever since Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to officially build their team with permanent members, Luka was entrusted with the snake miraculous again. Though they all wondered if that was a good choice as Hawkmoth already knows their identities, Ladybug had assured them that she couldn't think of anyone better than them to wield the magical accessories. "It would not be good if one of Paris' most valuable heroes were to get akumatized again"

"I know" Luka plumped back down. "I should be happy for her, but...."

Sass stared at the sad expression on his master's face. He floated to rest on Luka's nose, gaining his attention. He didn't say any words, he just sat there and smiled. It was his form of comfort. The small kwami was telling Luka that everything was going to be. That maybe one day, he'll get to see you again in person.


Your parents rushed into the hospital, your mom carrying you in her arms. The three of you were on vacation in Paris and it was your first time traveling. You and your family were staying with your dad's friend at his house when his wife suddenly went into labor. You were playing by yourself, stealing some glances at the man's son. The boy is the same age as you and was smiling while playing with his dad's necklace.

Everything happened so fast. You don't really know what's going on, but you could see the panicked yet excited expressions the adults held. The six of you had rushed into the hospital, and the people dressed in white had only allowed your parents' friends inside a room, leaving your parents to take care of you and the boy.

"Everything is going to be fine, Luka" Your dad smiled at the boy. "You're going to be meeting your new brother or sister soon"

Luka stayed quiet. Your dad turned to your mom and they began to talk about whatever adults talk about. You sat beside Luka. He pulled his legs up, hugging them, and buried his face to hide away from everyone. You remember how scared he looked when his mom screamed in pain. It didn't help that the adults whispered amongst themselves. Just looking at them made him feel an immense amount of anxiety.

Taking a glance at your parents, you turned to Luka. He looked up to see you grabbing his hand. The moment your eyes met his, you paused. You took a deep breath and gripped his hand. The two of you didn't say anything but you understood each other. You smiled the moment you felt him relax. He smiled back. It was his first smile in hours. You felt something stir in your stomach at the sight. Your cheeks blushed and you felt like you could hear your heartbeat. You wondered if his smile caused this feeling. If so, you never want to let it go.

Sometimes in your lifetime
You look and search for someone to just to care
Look around and it was there
And we didn't need to go nowhere

You Belong With Me (Luka Couffaine x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora