Chapter 4

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I sat in the sand next to the white and orange round droid. I was still wondering why I passed up the amount of portions that Unkar Plutt offered me for this strange little droid. An explosion occurred above and I looked towards the sky to see a falling ship in flames. My eyes widened as I watched the ship crash into the ground closeby. The impact result in multiple ship parts being tossed into the air landing in various places. I got to my feet and grabbed my quarterstaff before I ran towards the wreckage. BB-8 was close behind me whirring and beeping rapidly. The wreckage was closer to me than I thought it was and was surprised to find the ship crash beyond the large sandy hill. The ship was in flames and I skidded down the hill and stood before it. I covered my eyes, protecting them from the smoke. "Hello?! Anyone there?!" I called out. I caught a glimmer of a reflective metal to my right and noticed it was a helmet. My eyes widened as I reached into the ship and grabbed the figure. I pulled them out of the wreckage and away from the slowly sinking ship. "Please don't be dead." I said to myself before I was met with a groan. It sounded like a man but he was covered from head to toe in chrome grey metal armor. BB-8 squealed bumping into the man. "You know him?" I asked the little droid. The droid beeped excitedly. "Top Secret. You're filled with secrets, aren't you?" I asked the little droid. I grabbed the mysterious man arms and dragged him back to my 'home'. 

I stared at the man in my bed. BB-8 stood next to me staring at him. I was curious as to why this man crashed in a First Order TIE Fighter but wasn't wearing First Order armor. I sat beside him wondering what he looked like under the chromey battle-worn helmet. "Do you know what he looks like?" I asked the droid. He responded with a series of beeps and whirrs. I looked back at the armored man. "You don't? But I thought you said you two were best friends?" I asked the droid again. "You've never seen his face before?" I questioned again. "No one has." A voice announced. I snapped my head to the man in the bed backing away cautiously. "Where am I?" He asked. His voice sounded young. "My home. On Jakku." I answered aiming my quarterstaff at him. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the staff in his face. He reached his hand up and pushed the staff down. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said. "Of course you won't. Does the First Order train you to say that before you kill me in my sleep?" I asked. "First Order? What are you--? Oh...the TIE fighter. I'm not with the First Order if that's what you're worried about." He said as he got his feet. He was taller than I thought he'd be. Not by that much though. He stumbled towards the exit of the small home. "I'm a Commander in the Resistance. I was captured by the First Order while I was on a mission to retrieve a map to Luke Skywalker." The man said stretching. "Wait...The Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth?" I asked with a smile. The man turned and looked at her before something bumped into his leg. He looked down. "BB-8!" He exclaimed getting to his near and taking his helmet off. My mouth opened a bit at the sight of the man's face. I wasn't expecting to see someone that looked so young and attractive behind the helmet. In fact, I was expecting some rough and experienced old man behind it. He looked at me. " the two of you know what I look like." He said getting to his feet. "The name's Jalen. But you can call me Jal or Jae." He said extending his hand out for me to shake. "Rey." I answered. "You got a last name, Rey?" He asked walking outside. I quickly followed him. "No. I don't have a last name." I answered. "Neither do I." He answered trudging through the sand. "Where are you from?" I asked him curious about the armor he was wearing. He looked back at me. "I grew up on Mandalore but I don't know where I'm from originally. Never knew my real parents. I was taken in by a clan of Mandalorian warriors. They took me in as their own." He stated looking at the helmet in his hands. "Why do you never reveal your face to other people?" I asked him again. "You are one very curious girl, aren't you?" He said smiling at me. "Sorry. Just never met an offworlder before." I answered embarrassed. "No need to get embarrassed. It's nice to just talk to someone and not have to interrogate or talk with gun fire." He stated with a smile. I let a small smile slip through as I walked beside him. "How are you going to get BB-8 back to your base?" I asked. Jalen stopped walking and thought for a moment. "There must be some ships on this planet, right?" He asked looking at her. "Of course. I don't know if they work or not." I responded. "Perfect." He said. "Where are they?" He asked. "Follow me." I said walking in front of him. He followed behind me with BB-8 beside him.

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