Chapter 2

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Jalen POV

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Jalen POV

I was pulled off the ship and looked around. "I got it. Let go of me." I said pulling my arm free. My eyes widened behind the helmet. I didn't have enough time to take in the size of the Destroyer I was currently standing in before I was pulled away again. I shared a glance with Poe knowing exactly what was running through the other pilot's mind. We were thrown into two separate cells. I stood in the middle of the cool dark cell in silence, thinking of a way to get out when I heard echoing clicks of heels clash with the ebony floor of the corridor outside the cell. The repetitive clicks grew closer and louder until the cell door slid open with mechanical gasp. Kylo Ren stood before me accompanied by four First Order Stormtroopers. "Take him and follow me." Ren ordered leaving. "Already? I was beginning to like this room." I stated sarcastically as I was pushed forward by a Trooper and followed Ren to an Interrogation Room. I was immediately knocked to my knees and dragged to a chrome metal platform and bound to the table. "Get the location out of him by any means necessary. Just don't kill him." Kylo said before leaving. I stared past the troopers at a point on the wall. "Does it talk?" One of them asked. "I don't get paid to ask questions. I get paid to get answers." One replied slamming an electro staff into my side. I clenched my jaws as I let out a scream. I could feel the electricity course through my body like I had just been struck by lightning. They pestered me with questions and followed with more shocks from the staff and hits from the butt of it. This went on for hours and I said nothing. Not a word.

The door opened. "Ren wants the prisoner to himself." A trooper stated before the others left closing the door behind them. The door reopened. "Commander. I didn't realize we had the Resistance's best fighter on board." Ren stated. I glared at him. "Are you comfortable?" He asked. He was met with more silence. "I'm impressed. None of my men have been able to get out of you or your partner the location of the map." He explained. "You might wanna rethink your technique." I spat from behind the helmet. Ren extended his hand out towards me and I felt a tug inside my mind. I was pulled towards Kylo and slammed back into the platform. I could feel the Sith struggle as he probed my mind. I got flashes of a man in black and grey clothes standing on an Imperial Star Destroyer next to a completely black armor-cladden man. That is...if he was a man. The unarmored man had a buzz cut and a strong jawline but I noticed the weaponry the man had. It was no ordinary weapon neither. It was the weapon of a Jedi. "What is thy bidding, my master?" The man asked. He sounded strangely like me. The memory ended and I let out a growl of anger. "Your ancient Jedi ways won't work on me." I spat closing my mind off to Kylo. Ren pulled away breathing heavily. "You're unusually strong in the Force." He stated, his voice modulator raspy from his breathing. "I don't believe in that hocus pocus. My ancestors fought against people like you. They didn't like your kind very much." I spat. "On the contrary, Mando, the Force is quite real. What I don't why you have so much of it?" Ren asked leaning his head towards Mando's. I pulled my head back before slamming it into Ren. "I would have thought you learned the first time, Bantha Fodder." I chuckled. "If you won't give me what I want. I'm sure Poe will." He stated before leaving.

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