Meeting my soulmate

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Bucky's P.O.V
I was on a Hydra mission to blow up secret agent Dawson's house because everybody is going to be there for her youngest Angel Dawson's 13th birthday. Part of my mission is to kidnap Angel.Hydra needs her because her blood and powers are special and to turn her into the 2nd person in the Super Soldier Project.As soon as I saw her it was like love at first sight and that I would do anything for her. I would kill for her, love her, and most of all protect her. When it was time for the missle strike she seemed very uncomfortable and then she started looking around in panic like she knew something was coming and I knew she somehow felt that the missle was coming.By the time she realized it she looked out the window and it was too late.Just then the missle blew up instantly killing everybody except for Angel who got thrown into a wall most likely having multiple broken bones a mild concussion and several 2nd degree burns which caused her to pass out from the impact of the blow.After the aftermath of the explosion a team of Hydra agents including me went in to get her.When we got closer to her my arm started tingling.It felt like I was being ripped apart in seconds. When we got closer we saw that her shoulder where the mark that looked like my metal arm started glowing and that she was covered in blood and had multiple cuts and bruises causing her to be surrounded in a pool of her own blood.When we went to pick her up we realized she had 18 marks on her body that weren't there before.One of the marks on her left shoulder was one that looks like my metal arm.When I went to pick her up I felt a burning sensation going through my non metal arm.When I looked down I saw the mark that I thought was a birthmark start to glow.As soon as I touched her the burning and glowing stopped.When I picked her up she snuggled into me.When someone from my group tried to pick her up she would just tighten her hold on me.When we got back to the Hydra helicarrier we got a video call from Red Skull to see if we completed   the mission.When I showed her to him he was staring at her for a while until he finally snapped his eyes away from her.Before the call ends Red Skull says that Angel will have to be put in a deep sleep for her powers to start healing herself and that he needs to talk to me when I get back.
Time Skip brought to u by Dr Strange
As soon as the team gets back people rush out to get Angel but she just tightens her hold on me more.They have me carry her to Red Skulls personal lab instead of to the regular labs. When we get there I place her on a table and strap her down so Red Skull can inject the super soldier serum and the shot that puts her in a deep sleep.Just as I finish strapping her down I get pushed out the room so they can start the injections.As soon as I get pushed out I remember I have to go see Red Skull.As soon as I get to Red Skulls door Cheshire Red Skulls AI opens the door.When I walk in Red Skull is sitting at a holographic screen where he has a page about soulmarks pulled up.

Red Skulls P.O.V

I have called the Winter Soldier to my office and he just arrived.I have called him here to talk about Angel Dawson.
(Bucky italics Red Skull bold)
You wanted to see me ?
Yes I did.
Do you know why I called you here
I called you here to talk about soulmarks
What are those
Soulmarks are marks or a mark you get when you turn 13 and what ever mark or marks that person has means that's their soulmates and each mark has a hint about who the person or people are.
Does that mean that Angel is my soulmate.
Yes but I also have some other news.
What is it?
As you saw that she had 18 marks including yours did you seem to notice 1 of them?
No I didn't get to see all 18.
Then follow me.
I get up as the Winter Soldier follows me back to my lab.Once we reach my lab I open the door and see beautiful Angel Dawson lying on the table in deep sleep.Once we reach the table I pull up her pants leg and there on the lower part of her right foot at her ankle is the Hydra symbol.As soon as the Winter Soldier saw and I saw my soulmark started glowing.Once I roll up my sleeve and the Winter Soldier does the same we realize we have the same soulmate.


Will Angel wake up?Will she remember what happened to her?What will happen to her?Will she ever find her other soulmates?Find out next time on Avengers soulmates.

I will try to update every Monday Thursday and Sunday


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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