Chapter 7.

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So now I had remembered.
I had remembered it all.
Remembered the reason why I had such an urgency to leave that beautiful house and that gorgeous man behind me.
I had to see Amelia.

I had to see her before that scumbag, idiot of a man Ashcroft Jennings got to her and told her of his now enforced commitment to my one time flat mate Beth.
This was too terrible beyond words.
Why did all these people that continued to surround me all have these links with that awful man?
Why couldn't they have spread their nets further and caught a man more worthy of all their love and affection!
Especially Amelia.

I really did fear for Beth's happiness though and of Ashcroft's total commitment towards her, but I hoped that by being an actual father he may now settle down with her and hopefully become a doting Daddy.
I feared that my hopes for a complete reversal of his personality may have deemed premature.
I couldn't really see it happening myself, but I hoped that I may be proved wrong.......... For everyone's sake, especially that of the poor innocent little baby.

My walking pace suddenly quickened as I now started to visualise the drama that may well have already taken place.
Amelia, heartbroken and in bits as Ashcroft told her of his now impending fatherhood, brushing aside with carefree abandonment all her hopes that they were indeed be getting back together.
She would have been so excited to have him turn up at her flat and would have made a special effort to please him, probably by getting all dolled up and having a bottle of champagne on ice waiting to be popped.
My stomach twisted.
Oh no, poor, poor Amelia.
I could not allow this to happen to my very beautiful and trusting of friends.
This really was not fair!

Again my pace was a hurried one, as I hoped against hope that I could be the one to get to Amelia first.
Maybe Ashcroft had woken up late and hadn't got to Amelia's yet!
Perhaps she was sat inside her flat, alone waiting and wondering where he was!

Oh, if only I could get to her first.
Be the one to gently break the dreadful news to her  just what a low life scum Ashcroft Jennings actually was! So when he did actually turn up, she would be fore armed to tell him exactly where to go!
That would be just so perfect and I would simply love to be there when she said that to him and to see the expression on his face!

I hoped I wasn't too late!
I hoped that I could get there in plenty of time to explain everything about what he and Beth had told me last night.
I was so pleased that I had been able to remember it now, but it had come at a cost.
I had put myself under so much pressure, that I could hardly breathe. My legs felt like two lumps of lead, my lungs were struggling with the amount of air that I wanted to pass through them and my head was so full of the might bes and what ifs, it was hard for me to actually function at all.
But I had to hurry. I had to get to Amelia's quickly now, just in case he was on his way!

If he had already been and I had missed the opportunity to have been able to warn her............ Well, at least I knew I had tried and I would now be there for her with my sturdy shoulder in which she could cry her eyes upon.
If he had not arrived, well I would then be able to pave the way gently for her so that she was able to take on board what he had to say and be more than ready to tell him to clear off from her life forever!

I was now power walking my way past all these beautiful, expensive looking houses each with their huge front doors and black railings on the outside. I would have loved to have taken them in a bit more. Have a better look and wondered who actually lived in each one of them, but I was on a mission now and that was the only thing uppermost in my mind.
To get to Amelia.

I was so intent in my pursuit, that at first I hadn't noticed the silvery coloured car, slowly drawing up alongside me.
I kept on walking.
It was only when I heard the low drone of its electric windows that I suddenly looked across. It made me jump somewhat as I hadn't expected the vehicle to be so close or to be going so slowly.

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