Chapter 18.

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My head was in a bit of a whirl, as I walked back across the City streets towards Trafalgar Square. It was a busy mid afternoon and filming for me for the day had already finished. Alan Rickman and a few of the others, Jules included were still on the film set. I though, was not needed so had got a car to drop me off a little way from my flat, the idea being that I should buy something to wear for my date with Jules tonight. But as I passed the many clothes shops and boutiques along the way, displaying many fine outfits, I really did not feel in the mood for actual shopping.
All I needed to do right now, was to get home and relax. It had already been a very long day and now having to meet up with Jules this evening was going make it seem even longer.
Why had I even agreed to go on a stupid dinner date with him in the first place, I'll never know....... I didn't even like the man very much!
It was true to say that he was indeed very handsome and had also got a fine reputation of being a very sought after young actor for the future, but sadly I did not actually fancy him!

I had now literally stopped outside a lovely little dress shop and was peering in through the window at all the beautiful garments that dressed tailors dummies throughout the store. This shop was so out of my price range though and even if I could afford any of the dresses inside, my current mood denotes that I really wouldn't be able to find anything suitable anyway.
I gave a huge sigh to myself.
Maybe I could just borrow something, from a close friend perhaps?
Just for tonight.
Amelia had loads of dresses. Perhaps I could borrow one from her........... Although in her current frame of mind towards me at this precise moment in time, she was most likely to dress me up in something totally hideous!!

Well....... A bin bag it would just have to be then! For I really didn't have anything else at all to wear!!

Then I caught sight of the sleepy little florists shop, which belonged to the parents of my other good friend Maya.
Of course Maya!
She might be able to lend me something.........
That's if she was indeed still there!
The last I'd heard from her was that she was rushing over to ibiza!
Probably on some sort of mercy mission to claim back what she actually believed to be hers, in the shape of that ghastly rat, Hugo Martinez! Now knowing that he wasn't in fact truly gay, she might think that now she stood an actual chance of having a relationship with him!
Poor, deluded Maya!

I now strode over towards the florists hoping that she hadn't already taken flight and gone. Maybe I would still be able to talk some sense into her and persuade her to instead seek out a possible relationship with that security guard Geoffrey instead!

The cute little bell tinkled sweetly as I opened the door. I didn't think shops still had these sounding above their doors, but it was a nice touch all the same.
Maya's mother looked up from behind a huge display of gladioli's as I entered and recognising me instantly gave me a huge, warm smile.

"Hello, darling Gwen. How nice it is to see you".   She said sweetly, coming forwards to greet me.

"Hello....... Mrs. Kemple".  I answered almost shyly.

"How are you? Maya tells me that you've struck out into the film making industry now. How's it all going then? It must be so exciting for you. Oh, I do wish that Maya would do something like that with her acting. She's so very talented you know. Loves it very much as well". Maya's mother went on.

That was the thing with her. She was rather a chatterbox. Never actually allowing you get a word in nor indeed answering a question before asking another.
So totally different to Maya!

"Is..... Er...... Is Maya in?  Only I was aware that she was thinking about going away".   I said quickly, before the woman had time to interrupt me.

But now she had suddenly gone very quiet and the expression upon her face had now changed dramatically.

" Bloody fools errand, that's what that is!".  She hissed.

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