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// tw !! parental abuse & cursing !!

dazzling neon lights, able to render even the toughest man epileptic, shone brightly in the tight space.

seungmin was back, glancing around the room, taking in the, unfortunately, familiar place. it was less crowded than normal but still busy.

tonight, seungmin wasn't here to gamble, he was here to get away.

it had been two days after he returned home from hyunjin's, overall he was healed up but after the fight with his mother, it didn't seem to matter.

a beautiful hazy vibe fell over the kim household, seungmin had just finished his schoolwork from the day before and prepared to go downstairs for dinner.

his mother sat in the living room, a somber expression sat on her face, as her stare burned holes into the coffee table.

"hey mother, i didn't know you were home, do you want me to make us dinner?" seungmin asked, as he noticed his mother on their couch.

"seungmin, sit with me."

noticing the mood drop, seungmin nodded and quietly sat next to his mother. too afraid to speak, he sat silently as he waited for her to start.

after a few seconds, his mother uttered, "i need you to help me."

all the worst case scenarios flashed through him, what if she was being hunted? what if she had cancer? what we had to move? what if-

"my business, you know how it is, baby, i need you to help a client."


"you want me to, what?"

"a client called and asked for a male, your father is so ruined that i couldn't possibly send him, seungmin baby, please, i need you to help me."

"mother, i won't whore around for you. i already do enough to help this house, i can go to clé longer if you need me to, but i won't sell my body."

"baby, i know it makes you uncomfortable, but it's really not horrible. they're offering a lot and we need this. you, me, and your father."

"i'm not becoming a slut so father can have more cocaine." seungmin said, standing up abruptly and walking out of the living room, "i'm not going to do it."

"kim seungmin." his mother stated sternly, sharply standing and turning towards her son, "get your ass back in here."

seungmin turned around and looked at his mother, "i won't do it mother."

she lowly growled and walked over to the younger boy. she grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close, "i do so fucking much for you seungmin. i clean the house, i cook you food, i do disgusting shit to keep a fucking roof over your ungrateful head, this is the least you could do."

"i do so much for you too! i go out of my comfort zone to gamble and make deals with people, i buy dads shit all the time, i carry you to bed at the end of the night, i make sure to turn off the fireplace when dad passes out, but i will not have sex with some old guy for you."

then the sound of a slap sounded through the house. it was silent right after, no breaths, no apologies, no noise.

"you're a piece of shit." she muttered, pushing him onto the ground, "you don't care about your father and i."

then, she kicked him, right in his face that was currently healing. seungmin laid in shock, he knew his mother wasn't the best but he never thought she'd hurt him.

"i make the rules here, do you understand, seungmin? i tell you what to do and you fucking do it." she kicked him again, on his stomach, this time harder as if it emphasized her point.

"i understand." seungmin whispered, tears already falling at seeing this version of his mother.

"you will do this for me, yes?"


"yes what?"

"yes ma'am."

"good." she stated and turned away, leaving her son on the ground as she went upstairs to her bedroom.

so here seungmin was, on his 17th shot of tequila, he hated tequila but at this point he couldn't care less. he staggered from person to person, asking if they could buy him more as the bartender politely cut him off.

he didn't know what to do anymore, did he go home? go back to the lady who caused this? did he call someone? he had basically no friends, aside from hyunjin who he definitely didn't want to bother anymore.

he didn't know what to do.

that was until he heard a familiar voice, he turned and saw a blurry outline of someone he knows, they pulled him into their arms and pulled him out of the casino.

that's all he remembered before he passed out cold while in their car.

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