Chapter 8: An Uncertain Meeting

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An Uncertain Meeting:

The car rumbled as Liam drove on the dirt driveway. He came to a smooth stop and turned off the engine. Darkness enveloped us.

"Well here we are,"Liam said taking his keys out of the ignition and opening his door.

I gulped and looked out the front window. Xander took off his seat belt and pushed open the truck door. He stepped out and I kept my eyes straight ahead of me, unmoving.

"You coming Nai?" Xander asked.

I blinked and looked over at him. The small breeze blew his black disheveled hair just right and his dark features made him so enticing, like a sweet forbidden dessert. His leather jacket and black pants fit him in just the right places. His green eyes pierced through me as he leaned his hands on the top of the truck, eyeing me. Oh god, I'm so glad he blocked me.

"Yeah," I said quickly and took off my seat belt. I hopped out of the truck and followed Xander to the back of it where Liam was waiting for us.

Liam gazed at me for a moment as the small breeze picked up around me and I snuggled my arms around my body. He shook his head and sighed deeply,"Alright, well let's go."

I smiled, gradually getting my feelings under control. Xander walked closely behind me and I was at Liam's side slightly behind him. I breathed in the fresh musk smell of the forest and sighed to myself in contentment, it wasn't everyday you got to be with nature like this because of our encroaching modern civilization.

The sound of our footsteps cracking leaves and twigs filled the dark silence of the forest. Whisps of swirly, white air breathed out of my mouth as I looked ahead of me, eyeing a not too far dim lit window. I averted my eyes away from it as Liam began to speak.

"Now there's only four of us located here, there's a lot more of us around the world but we're very, very small in numbers,"Liam explained.

"Liam!" a high girlish voice cried out.

I looked towards the small dim lit window and faintly saw the outline of a house. The door opened, I saw the silhouette of a petite girl with wild hair as the warm, golden light spilled out of the house.

"Liam!" the girl cried out again.

"Okay, Lis! I've got company,"Liam responded laughingly and looked back at us,"It's my sister, Lissi."

"Okay!" Lis responded loudly.

I smiled,"She's a sprite."

Liam laughed,"Yeah, she's weird."

"Hey!"Lis yelled,"I know what you're thinking mister!"

I laughed and looked up to Xander who had a slight smile on his face. I elbowed him on his side and he looked down at me. I smiled at him and he reluctantly smiled back at me.

I looked back at the house and it was so close now. Lis ran out, her wild, lioness-like hair flew behind her as she raced to greet her brother.

She about knocked him down as she jumped into his arms. He spinned her around and set her on her feet laughingly. I smiled at how cute they were.

 "Lis, this is Nailah and um, Xander..."Liam introduced.

Lis looked me over with her big, hazel colored eyes, then she looked at Xander and a smile grew on her face.

"Hello Nailah and Xander, I'm Lissi but I go by Lis. Are you guys one of us too?" She said in a rush.

"Let's go inside first,"Liam quickly said and we followed him a few more steps up to the old creaking door. He opened it wider to let us in.

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