Chapter 15: First Kill

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Chapter 15: First Kill

 I rushed to the auditorium, trying to get pass the large crowd of girls. My heartbeat came fast, my hands became clammy, and I was fearful.

I stepped into the large, dark auditorium and quickly found a seat towards the back. I clenched my hands on the armrests as the screen was paused and I saw Mrs. Mevel whispering to other teachers.

As most of my classmates settled, I was in turmoil. The first Stinguo kill was announced, my mind was overcome with anticipation and fear. I was alone in this, I couldn't let Liam or Xander know how I felt in this moment because I wasn't even sure myself.

"Good morning ladies," Mrs. Mevel spoke, "Please settle down," she ordered.

Although she was a small petite woman, she could demand attention when needed.

"As was just announced, we have a victor in the first mutant kill," she looked out into the masses of girls, "This is only the first of many and our overseers have yet again triumphed."

"Andor of the Riccardi house is our first victor, alumni of Mevel, and a new contending champion of the Stinguo," girls clapped for Andor and I felt my heart drop," Let's see what Mr. Riccardi has done for us."

The competitors had floating cameras that followed them around and recorded only when the competitors sensed a kill. The news footage began to play. It was two anchormen announcing the mutant kill and then forwarding to the footage. The video was a scenic picture of tall, large trees and colorful large flowers and a brown bear that stood on two feet.

I could hear Andor's footsteps as he crept towards the mutant bear. I saw him set up his gun on a low branch to aim at the harmless bear. I tightened my hands on the arms of the auditorium chair.

The bear smelled the flowers and picked at blackberries. It was oblivious to all around it. Bam. I cringed.

The bear grabbed onto the flowers shocked but fell back, withering. Andor shot again and the bear became still. The bear laid down unmoving, flowers in hand and blackberries sprawled across the floor being slowly stained with the bear's burgundy, red blood.

I turned away when Andor started walking closer to make sure the bear was dead. The footage cut off a few seconds later and went back to the anchormen who shared their opinions on the kill.

The video was turned off and Mrs. Mevel began to speak again.

"What you just saw was an accomplishment for man. These unusual creatures, these beasts, don't belong and the overseers have charged these brave men to show us that these mutants are being exterminated as promised, so please ladies go home and say your blessings to these brave men."

Girls clapped in agreement and I stared at the red curtains, uncertain of how I could keep on pretending none of this bothered me.

Mrs. Mevel spoke again, "And please ladies do not feel sorry for these beasts because they will raid our kind given the chance. Soft hearts for these mutants will only suffer. Be cautious and keep aware of those around you. Alright now, please head on back to class and remember your blessings."

I walked back to class, my heart constricting, and I had to hide my inner turmoil. I should've been excited for my brother, I should have been proud that he committed his first kill but I could only feel fear, I felt pain because I wasn't what I should be. I should be normal.

I needed to go home, I couldn't go on through the day like this. It was awful news when my father committed kills but knowing my brother has done the same tore me apart. I forged a signature on my electronic letter and gave it to the attendance receptionist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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