Its a Small World Pt 1

Start from the beginning

May just rolled her eyes.

Peter POV

When May told me to put on the blindfold, I was sceptical.

Today is August 10th, my birthday, as of today, I'm officially 16. May had woken me up at 9 am and insisted that I look semi presentable and that we were leaving at 10. I didn't really try too hard if I'm being honest. May made me cancel my internship for a whole week, like I know I got stabbed four times but geez. Besides, we're probably going to the science museum today.

I glance at my phone and frown, no text from Harley. I thought he knew my birthday was today, guess he forgot. I quickly got up, showered, threw on some clothes, and reopened to the few happy birthday texts. I finally stumbled into the living room to see May waiting at the door.

"Put this on," She said holding out a blindfold.

"Umm... Why?"

"Because it'll ruin the surprise if you see where we're going now lets go." She said, practically dragging me to the car. "Listen to music too, I'll let you know when we get there,"

"Umm, ok?" I decided to do what she wanted and put on Panic! at the Disco, but I was still bummed I didn't get a text from Harley. I decided to zone out and get lost in the music.

Thirty minutes later she stopped, I could feel a slight breeze, which means she must have gotten out. A few seconds later I felt my door open and Aunt May pulled me out and took out my earphones.

"You can take off the blindfold," May shouted over the roar of....Planes? I reach up and pull the blindfold down, letting it fall around my neck. I open my eyes and look around slowly.

We were at an airport...but why?

My eyes rest on a figure about 30 feet away from me; I stop.

'No way....Thank could possible be-'

The figure turned and faced me,

'It is him'

"HARLEY!" I shouted, running over and absorbing him in a hug which he quickly returned. God, his hugs were even better than I imagined.

"Happy birthday Darlin',"  He said, breaking the hug slightly. He laughed slightly, "God your even hotter in person,"

I broke the hug to punch his chest playfully.

"Meh, you looked better over the phone,"

"You don't mean that sweetheart," He said pouting, I laughed.

"I really don't," I wink and him and grab his suitcase, walking back to May with him close behind.

"Hey Harley, how was your flight?" May asked as I loaded his suitcase into the trunk.

"It was fine ma'am," Harley stuck out his hand to shake her's, but she pulled him into a hug instead.

"Glad to hear cowboy," She said, releasing him, "And none of that ma'am stuff, call me May,"

"If you insist Miss May,"

"That's the best I'll get from you isn't it?" May sighed.

"For now," Harley said with a smirk. May turned to me,

"You've got good taste,"

"MAY!" I eclaim, I can feel myself going red.

"You two sit in back, I'll get us some takeout and we can chill at the apartment,"

~Time skip~

Once we finished lunch I brought Harley into my room so he could get situated.

"May, where's the air mattress?"

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