Part Seven

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"Are you feeling any better sweetheart?" Marinette's dad asked as he placed another warm bowl of soup in front of her.
"Much better, papa," Marinette said with barely a sniffle. Marinette had hoped that the miraculous ladybug cure would also cure her of her near-drowning symptoms, but apparently damage done by the Seine didn't count as damage done by an akuma. Just her luck.
"Your father and I were so worried," her mom said with a hand over her heart. "All these akumas targeting you has been so frightening!"
"I'm okay, mom, really," Marinette insisted. "Chat Noir and Ladybug will always protect me. And besides, once Hawkmoth realizes this angle isn't working, he'll move on."
"We know, darling," her dad sighed as she sipped her soup. "But we can't help worrying."
"I know," Marinette replied with a yawn. "I should probably get some rest."
Marinette rubbed her eyes as she ascended to her loft bed.
Just as she was about to lay back against the pillow, taps pulled her attention to her skylight.
Chat Noir crouched over the window, looking down at her.
Marinette pushed open the glass and shuddered as the cool night air hit her skin.
"Hey, Chat," she murmured.
"Hey there, Princess," he replied with a soft grin. "How are you feeling?"
"Cold," Marinette responded honestly.
"Oh right," Chat said, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly, "sorry, I should probably go."
"You can come in, if you like," Marinette offered.
"Really? That's okay?" He said, his green cat eyes widening.
Marinette giggled.
"Don't worry, my mom and dad adore you. They'd probably be ecstatic to catch you sneaking into my room at night."
Marinette couldn't help the feeling of smugness which bubbled up her chest as Chat Noir blushed slightly at her playful teasing. She didn't always have time as Ladybug, but she really did enjoy messing with him on occasion.
The cat hero pondered her cork board of pictures as he sat somewhat awkwardly on her bed.
"These are all your friends?" he asked.
"Yep!" Marinette said, sliding to be next to him so she could point them out to him.
"That's Alya, my bff—"
"The ladyblogger," Chat Noir interjected.
"Mhm. Then there's Rose and Juleka, aren't they so cute? And Nate, Mylene, Kim, Max, Nino and, of course, Adrien."
Since the fiasco that was Troublemaker and the subsequent filming of the inside of her bedroom, Marinette had taken down many of the photos of her celebrity crush. She kept the few pictures she had of him and their friends up though.
"It must be so nice to be able to hang out with your friends all the time," Chat Noir sighed, sounding strangely melancholy.
"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.
"Well, I have a really overprotective parent," Chat said tentatively. "I'm not allowed out much."
"Really?" Marinette gaped. "You. Superhero of Paris, aren't allowed out of your house? But how do you go fight akumas every day?"
"I sneak out my window," Chat Noir said with a smirk. "What my father doesn't know won't kill him."
"What about your mom?" Marinette asked. "Is she the same way?"
Marinette watched with a heavy heart as something in Chat's face fell. His eyes looked distant and sad.
"She's not around," he muttered.
"Oh, Chat," Marinette whispered, placing her hand on his shoulder gently. "I'm so sorry."
Chat Noir turned his gaze to her and a smile broke out across his face once more.
"You don't have to worry about me, Princess. In fact, it's me who should be concerned about you. It seems Hawkmoth is targeting you specifically."
Marinette waved him off.
"I'm not worried about Hawkmoth, not when you and Ladybug are always here looking out for me."
"You're very brave, Marinette," Chat chuckled.
"You think so?"
"I know so! You faced a dragon with nothing but a crown to defend yourself! You're like a superhero without a costume."
Marinette snorted into her hand and tried to smother her giggles. Oh, if only Chat knew. The irony was lost on him, of course.
"Well someone had to come to your rescue, chaton," Marinette teased with a flick to Chat's bell. "Seeing as you were about to be eaten by a dragon."
"Right you are, Princess."
"Maybe Fairy Godmother should have put you in the ballgown," Marinette laughed.
"Nah," Chat snorted. "I wouldn't have looked half as good as you did."
Marinette couldn't help the slight blush that dusted across her cheeks.
"I guess I didn't have time to really look in a mirror," she muttered.
"Take my word for it," Chat said. "You looked stunning."
"You weren't so bad yourself in your prince ensemble," Marinette retorted, fighting the slight fluttery feeling in her chest.
"Thanks, but I don't really think white is my color. I look much better in black."
Marinette rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile.
Just then, the chiming of church bells sounded outside.
"Oh man, it's late." Chat declared. "I should probably head home."
Marinette watched her partner's face, and saw the disappointment there. She hadn't really thought of it before, but it definitely seemed like Chat didn't have the happiest home life.
"Hey, Chat Noir," Marinette said as the hero stood up.
"Yes, Princess?"
"If you ever want to hang out with a friend, my skylight is always open."
Chat blinked down at her for a moment.
Marinette stood on her bed and wrapped her arms around her partner. He hesitated only for a moment before returning the hug.
"Everyone deserves freedom and friendship," Marinette murmured into his ear before pulling back. "You're always welcome here, chaton."
Chat's eyes softened in a way Marinette had never seen before, as Ladybug or otherwise.
"Thank you, Marinette," he whispered almost reverently, as though afraid to shatter the moment.
With that, he climbed up onto her roof and launched himself into the night.

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