Part Three

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"Plagg, I'm trying to do my homework and your cheese is making me nauseous," Adrien complained.
"Cheese is way more fun than algebra," Plagg retorted.
The notification for an emergency report lit up Adrien's phone. He brushed Plagg aside and picked up his phone, clicking on the live feed.
"Nadja Chamack here, and it seems as though Paris' most recent villain has already captured a hostage!"
The viewpoint of the camera changed to show the Eiffel Tower with a dragon perched on the top of it. Next to the dragon was a young girl dressed as a fairy—no doubt the newest akumatized victim. In the clutches of the dragon was Marinette, for some reason wearing a crown and dress.
"Uh-oh," Plagg teased. "Looks like your girlfriend is in trouble."
Adrien waved him away dismissively.
"Chat Noir!" The villain addressed the camera. "I have your princess! The only way you can save her is through true love's kiss."
The villain turned and shot a bolt of purple energy from the book in her hand at Marinette.
"No!" Adrien cried. His classmate suddenly stopped struggling and fell asleep in the dragon's claws.
"Then you will give me your miraculous!" The villain finished before firing another bolt of purple at the Eiffel Tower, transforming it into a giant castle. The dragon placed Marinette inside the room at the single tallest tower before taking off to circle the keep.
"Come on, Plagg," Adrien said, brandishing his miraculous. "We have a damsel in distress to save."
"Claws out!"

The castle loomed overhead as Chat Noir assessed his options. He pulled his baton from his belt and tried for Ladybug, but once again received no answer.
He sighed and looked back up at the tall tower where his classmate was trapped.
Fairy godmother had disappeared, but the red dragon continued to circle the tower. He needed to get Marinette to safety while he waited for Ladybug to show up. It would be easier to take care of the akuma without worrying about a civilian getting hurt.
Carefully avoiding the gaze of the dragon, Chat Noir darted out towards the castle and used his baton to launch himself through one of the windows. He paused momentarily and listened with his enhanced cat ears, but the castle was entirely still.
Darting through dimly lit corridors, Chat Noir eventually found the center spiral staircase that seemed to ascend to the tower. Taking the stairs three at a time, he rushed upwards.
The door was hardly a barrier at all to his enhanced strength as he pushed it aside.
Marinette lay on a bed at the opposite end of the room. Light streamed in through three windows and the soft pink curtains canopied above her fluttered gently in the breeze.
Chat Noir brushed aside the curtain as he approached his classmate's slumbering form. Even he had to admit; she looked stunningly gorgeous.
Her hair, which he had never seen out of her infamous ponytails, was now long and loose, tumbling over the satin pillow she rested upon. Perched on her head was a dainty tiara with a rather large pink crystal embedded in the center. Her face had been made up in light makeup to complement the shimmering pinks and creams of the impressive ball gown she wore. Poking out from the bottom of the dress were two cream colored slippers laced with silver and gold.
Chat Noir caught his breath where it had momentarily been taken away.
He grabbed her shoulder and shook her gently.
"Marinette," he hissed as her sleeping visage didn't so much as flutter.
"You have to wake up!" he tried again, shaking her slightly harder and lifting his voice.
Her breathing didn't change rhythm.
Suddenly, a loud roar shook the castle and a heavy thud sounded as something quite large landed on the roof above them.
"Time to go," Chat Noir said, scooping the still-asleep Marinette into his arms just as the dragon ripped the ceiling off the tower.
Not hesitating a moment, Chat Noir jabbed his stick into the creature's eye and leapt from the castle wall.
Using his baton to aid him, he leaped and flew his way over the rooftops of the city as the dragon roared in pain.
Chat Noir quickly landed on a roof and checked to see if the dragon had seen his escape. In the distance, the beast shook its head and began to take flight, but not in his direction. It seems he had pulled off his daring maneuver.
Content that they were safe from the monster, at least for the moment, Chat Noir turned his attention back to the problem at hand. He lay the still-sleeping form of his classmate down on the roof and contemplated his options.
He could find somewhere to hide her until  Ladybug used her cure, but that would mean leaving Marinette completely defenseless against the akuma or anyone else who might try to harm her. Chat Noir shuddered to think what some of the less-savory folk of Paris might do to such a beautiful sleeping girl.
No. There was no other option. He had to find a way to wake her up.
Chat stood and began to pace, thinking back to the fairytale stories his mother used to read him, despite the disapproval of his father. When the princess was put under a sleeping spell, it was always the kiss of her true love that would wake her.
Chat glanced at Marinette's peaceful form. He knew she wasn't dating anyone, and the only person that came to mind was Luka. But was Luka her true love? And would the kiss even work from him? The akuma had made it seem like she thought HE was Marinette's true love. Or Chat Noir was at least.
Chat ran his claws through his hair and regarded Marinette one more time. He didn't want to kiss her without her permission, but what other option did he have? Marinette was an amazing person, she would understand. As for his lady—well, she didn't have to know everything.
Hardening his resolve, Chat knelt down beside her. Marinette's lips had been covered in some sparkly pink gloss to match her expensive ensemble.
Chat took one more breath before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers very gently.
He pulled away quickly, hovering over her face to see if there was any change.
Marinette did not wake up slowly. One moment, her face was peaceful, the next her eyes shot open and she sprung upward, smacking her forehead directly against Chat Noir's.
Chat howled and scrambled back slightly, holding his throbbing head.
Marinette did the same, looking around wildly at her surroundings.
"What happened? Where—"
"It's okay, princess," Chat said, putting his hands up in a calming motion. "I got you away from the akuma. Ladybug should be here soon to—"
"How am I awake?" Marinette asked, still swiveling her head to look at the rooftop on which they had landed.
Chat winced.
"Well I—"
The loud sound of beating wings cut off Chat's awkward response. In the next moment, the dragon had descended from the sky, landing heavily onto the roof. The akuma, Fairy Godmother herself, descended beside her beast.
"No, no, no!" the little girl-turned-villain cried. "The prince is supposed to defeat the dragon, then kiss the princess. You're doing it all wrong!"
"Sorry, little fairy," Chat Noir smirked brandishing his baton. "But your fairytale isn't going to have a happy ending."
The akuma placed her hand against her storybook and began to shoot bolts of purple energy toward Chat. He danced out of the way, only barely avoiding the blasts.
"Manon, stop this!" Marinette called out, taking a step forward in her glittering ball gown.
"Get out of here, Princess," Chat called, leaping out of the way of another blast as the dragon batted at him with its tail.
Marinette ducked as the tail passed over her head and swiveled towards the stairwell door behind her.
"You're not getting away yet!" Fairy Godmother yelled as she shot another bolt of purplish energy toward the door. Suddenly, a large bramble bush grew from the doorway, completely blocking Marinette's escape.
"Marinette!" Chat called, barrelling toward her to see if she was alright. In his moment of distraction, he felt something collide with his back. He grunted and fell to one knee.
"Chat!" Marinette called in worry.
Looking down at himself, Chat Noir saw that his black leather had been covered up by a cream-colored suit with gold and silver trim. He stood and took in his new outfit, realizing he was now dressed as a prince with colors and accents to match Marinette's gown.
When he turned back toward the akuma, he felt a crown hit one of his cat ears and slip off of his head, clattering to the ground.
"Stay back, Princess," Chat called to Marinette as he turned his attention back to the akuma and its beast. "Ladybug will be here soon."

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