Part One

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The Akuma appeared out of nowhere. The only warning Marinette had was a shout. She turned over her shoulder just in time to see a city bus hurtling straight towards her. If she were transformed, she could have easily dodged the flying bus or caught it with her yo-yo. Unfortunately for her, Marinette didn't have her alter ego engaged, meaning she was about to be squashed like a beetle.
Marinette closed her eyes and covered her head with her arms, as though that were going to help. Impact came, but not in the way she expected. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and she suddenly felt weightless.
Marinette opened her eyes to see that she was being carried by her trusty partner, Chat Noir. He was jumping over a building with her in his arms.
"Sorry, little lady," he said as he landed. He placed her gently on her feet and took her hand in a very prince-like fashion.
"Looks like you'll be walking to class today."
With a wink, the cat placed a quick kiss on the back of Marinette's hand and vaulted off back towards the villain.
Marinette rolled her eyes and turned to look for a place to transform, only to stop short as the lens of a camera was thrust in front of her face.
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! I'm Nadja Chamack here with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who was just rescued by Paris' own Chat Noir!."
Marinette glanced to her left and sure enough, the news reporter had come right up to her. The street Chat Noir had deposited Marinette on was full of onlooking parisians. Not an ideal place for discretion.
"Tell me Marinette, how long have you and Chat Noir been a couple?"
A couple!?
"Uh—we're not—"
A loud crash from the next street over made Marinette flinch. Chat needed her help, fast!
"That was quite the romantic gesture we just caught on camera," Nadja continued, seeming unfazed.
The hand kiss. Of course. Why did Chat have to be so overly dramatic all the time?
Marinette needed to get away from this camera and all these onlookers ASAP.
"We're not dating," Marinette said taking small retreating steps. "We're just friends!"
"You're friends with Chat Noir?" Nadja wasn't letting Marinette get away. The reporter and her cameraman were following Marinette's every move now.
"What can you tell us about him? Do you know his secret identity?"
It seemed Marinette had slipped up yet again.
"I...uh—look out!" Marinette yelled and pointed to where another vehicle hurtled towards the group of parisians.
Everyone ducked for cover as Chat Noir batted away the car with his baton.
"Now is my chance," Marinette said as she ducked into an alley while Nadja was distracted.
"Tikki, spots on!"

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