2 . Happy ?

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3rd person's pov :

Beam decides to meet Wayo after finishing his all classes . He brought a large chocolate for Wayo . Everybody knows Wayo loves chocolate so much . Now he is waiting at the "Castle " cafe .

P' Beam ! Wayo calls as he enters the cafe .

Beam looks at Wayo . He is cute as always . No wonder Forth likes him so much .

Wayo sits in front of Beam .
"Hey ! How are you ? Here , Forth have brought it for you ." Beam gives that chocolate to Wayo .

Wayo seems so happy . "Thank you p' . This is my favourite . Can you tell P'Forth thank you and sorry from me ."

"Why sorry ?" Beam frowns

"I promissed P' Forth that I will go to a movie with him . But I couldn't make it . I am so sad for this ."

" Then why don't you make it up this weekends ? It will work better than sorry , you know ! " Beam replies .

" Can I ? Can you ask him if he is free this weekend ? " Wayo said happily .

" Of course . He has nothing to do ." Beam said but he knows Forth has plans . Both of them decided to go for shopping this weekend because Beam needs some furnitures as he is shifting his dorm . But right now Wayo is more important .

"Okk P' . But why did you want to meet me ? " Wayo asks .

" Nothing much important . I was free so I thought I should meet my cute little junior from school . " Beam replies . He wanted to ask a chance for Forth . But he decides to go with the flow .

"Okk then bye P' . I have to meet Ming ." Wayo smiles .

" Bye !! Take care . " Beam waves at Wayo .

Beam's pov :

Whhoo ! That was easy . Now I just need to arrange a perfect date . And convince Forth to go with Wayo . I know I can't buy any product for me alone . I am a forever confuse soul . But I can't waste Forth's time for me . I will buy whatever the shopkeeper suggest . May be , some shopkeeper will help me honestly .

(A/N : It's me actually . I can't buy anything alone .)

Should I tell Forth about this now ? He will be happy right ? Okk , let's meet him .

I start my car for Forth's dorm .

"You are really worthless . Why don't you even try to win Wayo back ?" I retorts as he was playing game in his mobile peacefully like nothing to bother .

"What ?"Forth frowns .

" I talked to Wayo . He asked you to spend this weekend with him . " I replied .

" Really ? It will be fun . " Forth replies happily .

"Y.. yeah ! It will be fun . Ah ! Forth I have some urgent jobs to do . I will leave first . " I turn to leave .

" Beam ! Have you eaten ? " Forth asks .

"I... I am going to eat now ."

"Ok ! Bye ."

I leave . Whhoo . He didn't even remember he has plans with me . And I was thinking so hard how to convince him to go with Wayo . How funny . I should laugh at me . I should be happy .
" Ye... yeah .. I.. I am happy . "

3rd person's pov :

It's already 1 am . Beam could not sleep . Forth's voice lingering in his ears . "It will be fun ."

Beep ..

Beam unlocks his phone . There are some texts from Forth .
" Beam I am booking online tickets for me and Wayo . I am planing a surprize . So , you don't need to arrange anything ."

" What do you think Forth ? I don't have any job ? For your information I am really busy . I was not going to arrange anything ."
Beam text back . He is really annoyed . The each and every word of Forth hurts him . His eyes become teary .

" Then best of luck for your jobs ." Forth replied .

How could you be so rude . Beam yells at his phone . I will never arrange anything for you.. happy ?


(A/N : so It's a short part . And not edited . Sorry for Mistakes . I will update next part soon . I made this part short because I don't want to reveal the surprize now .)

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