Chapter Eleven: Don't Be Late For Secrets

Start from the beginning

Before we could discuss this more, a familiar male voice spoke on the speaker, the voice of the man with young, black hair. "Could all new students of 2020 please make sure that they are in the cafeteria, we will be starting soon. Again, all new students of 2020, make your way to the cafeteria. Thank you."

"Crap!" Natsuki hissed. "We're gonna be late!"

On cue, all four of us broke out into a sprint, a feeling that was all too refreshing for me. We soon made it to the front of the library heading towards the doors.

Mrs. Lilia's voice called out to us. "Good luck, and have fun!"

I saw Sayori skip around to face Mrs. Lilia and wave while running backwards. "Thank you! We'll come visit again!"

She turned back around as I ran through the double doors, thrusting my arms out to push the doors open, and running out into the hallway.

I haven't run with the four in a long time. Even in this long, boring hallway, it felt nice. Sayori and Natsuki always still stayed neck-and-neck in races, and they still are, while Yuri is still surprisingly fast. And she's going to catch up to me if I don't hurry up!

I find myself quickening my pace, and having to run down stairs at this speed nearly made me trip.

Woah! Calm down, this isn't a race!

Or.. Is it?

Once I got to flat land, I redeemed my speed from before and continued running down the hallway, now focusing on my breathing, footsteps, arm swings.

"Monika, turn to your right." Yuri said, her voice louder than the sound of running.

The right.. I'm the closest to the wall, which means I'm on the inside. Shoot. I'll have to run faster to make sure she doesn't pass me.

I turn and angle my body to the right, quickening my pace and trying to make sure I don't stop and lose balance. I don't, and Yuri is still slightly behind me.

But she's not behind far enough..!

I try to quicken my pace. Why can't I go any faster? The two double doors with the golden words, CAFETERIA come into view.

This is your end. Goal. Go faster.

Run. Run. Run faster. Run faster. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster.
Don't let them beat you.

My arms in front of me, I run into the doors, letting them open and swing behind me. Bang!

The cafeteria is large, dim lighting, and dark tables with red, long couches for seats. It was high class, fancy. Students of the same age as I, male and female all turned their attention to the loud commotion I made.

People were watching.. So it was a race! And I won. I'm going to get to our table first.

The talking slowly returns back to normal as I trot down the isle, passing a large group of kids to sit at a empty table behind them. The table was big, then again, all of them were.

I slid down the seat to sit by the wall, smiling as Yuri walked over to me, followed by Natsuki and Sayori who stumbled to catch up. Both panting.

Yuri sat down across from me, Natsuki next to her, and Sayori say next to me. Like on the train.

Sayori, our of breath, laid her head in the table, panting. "Why.. Why did you have to run so.. Fast?"

Natsuki leaned back in the seat, also breathing heavily. "I dunno.. Ask Monika.."

I glance at them in confusion. "What.. What do you guys mean?" I steady my breathing. "It was a race, was it not?"

Natsuki uses her strength to glare at me and groan in annoyance, as Sayori sighs, her head still in the table.

Yuri, who was in front of me smiled softly. "You were just being overly competitive. We just wanted to make it here in time."

"Again!" Natsuki growls. "Like, I don't get how you can always make everything a competition!"

"So.. It wasn't a race?" I ask again, looking around the table.

Natsuki once again groaned, letting Yuri laugh quietly while Sayori raised her head, giggling.

The coral pink haired girl giggled at me. "Oh Moni.. What shall we ever do with you?"

"Hey, any free spots?"

A male voice snaps us out of our joking. Beside our table is four boys.

The front one who asked the question had short, dirty blond, and slightly wavy hair that was combed to the side, and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a tight white tee-shirt that is so small for him it is slightly creased against his muscles.

The second boy to his right was shorter than him, his hair shorter and brighter blond with bright gold eyes that scanned each of us at the table. He wore a red shirt with a black jacket and a backwards baseball cap.

On the other side was a boy almost as tall as the first one, his brown hair slightly thicker and longer than the other two. His eyes were matching brown, and he wore a back tee-shirt with blue jeans.

The last boy that was behind them was tall with jet black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a grey hoodie, his hands in his pockets.

There was more than enough room on each sofa for the boys to sit with us. I nod, slightly startled at the sudden appearance.

"Sure, take a seat!" I smile warmly, the boys nodding in agreement and thanking us as they split up in two and sat down.

"Thanks," The first dirty blond boy said. "I'm Oliver, next to me (The brown haired boy,) is Adrien,"

Adrien waved. "Heya."

Oliver continued, "The blond hair is Ace,"

Ace rolled his golden eyes and smirked. "Hey."

"And the quiet one is Jess." Oliver finished. Jess was indeed quiet, and just gave a small wave and glance.

My smile stays on me as I nod. "It's nice to meet you!" I introduce myself and my friends, who give their vary of greetings.

We didn't get to have much conversation, as the two men in the front of room speaking into microphones for our attention, both the same men who showed us around.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you will, please quiet down." The older man says. The room begins to shimmer down, a few whispers before the room is dead silent.

"As you know, this school is very special. You, the best of the best were able to get in because we saw something in you." The older man continued. "But in order to learn here, you must be able to practice what you are taught."

The younger man picked up from where the elder finished. "Some humans have a simple blood type, that is not like the others. That is because they share blood with witches and mages."

Gasps and whispers spread through the dinning room. I glance at Sayori, who looks at me back with confused, blue eyes.

"Don't mages and witches use magic?" Natsuki asked quietly.

"Yeah," Adrien nods. "They do. But they don't exist, right?"

Once some of the talking slowed down, the younger man continued. "We've only taken the best of the best half human and half magical witches to join us."

"Each one of you," The older man said, a small smirk on his face that was hardly noticeable, "Are able to do things that other humans cannot. Pure magic."

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Where stories live. Discover now