When Everything Was Normal/Trapped at The Ranch

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The ordinary boy only thought of the end. He only thought of Oak Shire and the warmth of his family's embrace.

He only thought of how everything was normal, before Hyrule.

He was ready for the day when he could finally go back to his world, to his humble little town.

There, everything was normal. The way his life had to be...


Trevor had an idea.

"What about Death Mountain?" he asked in his usual tone of voice, which was just as loud as the sound he made when he slammed his palms on the wooden dining table before him.

The act vaulted an array of hearty breakfast food into the air—a plate of sliced bread, bowls of different fruits and platters of scrambled cucco eggs hopped, then thankfully fell with little consequence.

Still, the other children seated at the table pulled their meals closer to themselves. Trevor waited for answers.

Jerome Bailey sighed. He was a quiet kid and Trevor's best friend. Trevor always saw him as a wall of silence—someone who couldn't be moved or changed, but always stood in the spot he was at.

"The Gorons don't know anything," he said, picking up a forkful of eggs.

"Can we stop by there and ask them again?" Trevor asked.

Jerome shook his head. "Bro, you know the Gorons don't know anything. They told you that when I was knocked out."

Trevor palmed his forehead. "Yeah...you're right. Wait—" Trevor pointed at a meekly postured girl with a raven bob and red eyes. "Sheila! Do your psychic thing. Come on, tell us where to go next!"

Sheila Norwood scrunched her forehead. "That's not how it works," she said, her voice as soft as the gentlest wind. "It has to come to me."

"Then make it!"

"That's not how it works." Sheila's voice wasn't as gentle that time around. "If it worked like that, we would have found Rebecca by now."

Trevor's chest tightened at the mention of Rebecca Santos. She was the only one of the four Oak Shire kids still missing.

He knew she was out there and didn't want to know how bad she might have had it. He was sure they would find her—somehow.

They just needed the Triforce. It would solve all of their problems, one by one, with the last wish being a trip back home.

"Well," said Trevor, who ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe you'll get to find her soon. Maybe you'll see everything we need to do! Then we won't need to get the spiritual stone to get our wish!"

"I hope so," said Sheila, "Rebecca...I hope she's OK."

"Me too," Jerome said in agreement. "I think we can all agree that we're not a full group without her."

"That's why we gotta get on the road!" Trevor exclaimed as he flung both his arms in the air. "We have a friend to save and a home to get back to! Isn't that right, Mr. Hero? Don't you want to go back to the woods with your lost boys and girls?"

Trevor now looked at a quiet boy garbed in green. He truly reminded Trevor of the Peter Pan tales his mother used to read for him when he was little.

The quiet boy's blue eyes held a steely expression. Beside him was a glowing orb of blue-white light. It floated with help from a quartet of transparent wings.

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