Chapter 7

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oops i forgot to update... nevermind, heres the next chapter yay

He pulled away from the kiss and I opened my eyes, buterflies in my stomach and a flush on my face. The young recruit cleaning the rifel was gawping at us, but I didnt mind. Basta, however did. 
'MOVE IT! AND IF I FIND YOU'VE TOLD ANYONE...' he didnt have to finish the threat. the boy was already runing as fast as his legs could carry him. I couldnt help but giggle as he triped over a brick. 'So you do have a sence of humour!' Basta luaghed, 'I knew it.'
'I dont get to show it much with that dickbag Mortola breathing down my neck every thirty seconds!'
'True, true. She is a kiljoy.'
'you dont say' 
'I do say
'Dear god that was terible.' He shrugged, I luaghed. The image of the boy falling over crossed my mind and I started luaghing even more. Soon I was strugling to breathe and leaning againt Basta for suport. He shook his head and scooped me up 'WHAT THE...!'  then the giggles started again as he carried me to outside capricorns church. 
'Awwwww do we have to report back just yet' I asked, gigling again
'yeah, and stop luaghing, you don't want the dickbag finding out you have a sence of humor!' i started luaghing harder. 'Dear god I've made it worse!' he cuckled. 'Seriously though'
I nodded and managed to stop luaghing.
'So,' Capricorn said 'youve finished basic training.' he paused. 'Basta, she is your oficail responcibility. Goes on all misions with you, all training. understand?'
'Yes Sir'
'Yes sir' 
we turned and walked out of the church, grinning at eachother. A prefect excuse to spend time together.

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