Saving you, saving me

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(all characters other than Briar belong to C. Funke and whoever else holds rights)

      I sighed, standing up slowly. my joints ached from kneeling for so long. I hated being a maid, I hated scrubbing floors, and most of all I hated that big fat dicksucking old hag who seemed to have nothing better to do than yell at me 24/7. Talking of dicksucking old hags, Mortola walked in,staring around as if she could burn down the room with her gaze alone. Basta followed in tow, looking like he would rather be anywhere else in the world than following the Magpie. I looked up, glancing at Basta. His dark brown hair was sticking up slightly - strange, it was usually slicked back- and his olive brown skin seemed to have taken on a grey tinge. The dark bags under his downturned chestnut eyes aged him, he sagged like an old man- even though he was only a few years older than me, and dragged his feet as he walked. Even the flower in his buttonhole, usually so fresh, was sagging. 

   He looked up, catching my eye. I looked away, quickly. It wasn't a maids place to stair, and god forbid if that dildo-basket Mortola noticed! I'd be cleaning the bird-shit filled church steps for weeks! I felt a slight blush creep into my pale cheeks, I noticed that there was a pinkish tinge to Basta's face too. I shook my head. I was probably imagining it, or it could be the heat in here. The thing was, he liked the pretty, tall, blond maids. Like Resa. Resa... All the maids knew about her being Capricorns... special maid... even if she liked him she couldn't get with him. She was for the... executive 'use' of Capricorn, and Capricorn alone. 

   'YOU GIRL' that was Her Right Royal Dicksucker 'Get up now you useless piece of shit! Stop waisting oxygen you skinny whore, Basta needs your... assistance for a mission' she leered at me. My heart leapt at thet, however concerning her tone of voice. Basta. Basta. Basta needs ME to help! I leapt up to my feet and took a step towards Basta, mouth open to ask what i was needed for, but before I could get the first word out my face smashed into the damp, tiled floor. Mortola the Dickbag luaghed and withdrew her foot. I looked up. Mortola was grinning, like she was incredibly proud of what she had done, Basta was just standing there, emotionless. 'GET UP' the dicksucker yelled. I cautiously rose to my feet, sliping on the damp floor, but before I hit the floor again a hand grabbed my arm, helping me up again. Basta. 'come on girly' he purred 'stop falling over and lets get you kitted out' 

'whats  the mision thing that you need me for?' i asked 'not that im objecting, just want to know'

Basta was silent for a momet, before finaly saying 'im not allowed to let you know... not yet'

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