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𝙴𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒 𝙵𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛 | 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒

"Y'all seen that video of Emani?" I heard a girl say from the outside of the stall.

"Oh my god yeah bitch everybody seen it. It's all over instagram." Another voice said.

"I just wanna know how Khalil did it with her. She so...young. Ain't he 19?"

"Yes. I smell a case. But that's what she get for tryna be grown at 16."

I wiped my face and unlocked the stall before walking out. They both turned to me and their eyes went wide.


I put up my hand and she instantly stopped talking. I didn't even have time for it. My momma couldn't come pick me up cause she was at work and I have no damn clue where Reggie is.

Khalil kept calling and texting me to the point where I just turned my phone off. I was getting tagged in the same video every second, people were talking shit about me calling me a hoe, slut, etc. But how can I be that when he's the only person I've ever been with?

I walked out of the bathroom and bumped straight into somebody.

"Damn, you blind?" Zion started laughing.

"My bad, I wasn't paying attention sorry."

"It's all good. You alright?" He asked.

"No. You seen the video didn't you?"

"Nah. I ain't wanna see it, I'm sorry about what all them dumb niggas saying about you. I know you ain't like that."

I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. I gotta go to my next class, imma see you later." I said.

We both said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


"How could you do that? How could you do that to me out of all people?!" I yelled at Khalil before throwing the nearest object at his face which was one of those hard ass brushes.

"What the fuck Emani?! I ain't mean to." He said holding his nose because that's what I hit.

"You ain't mean to?" I chuckled. "YOU AINT MEAN TO? NIGGA DO YOU THINK IM DUMB?!" I walked closer to him.

"You got all these people laughing at me and calling me all types of shit all because you ain't mean to? Do you know how embarrassing this is?" I asked while tears formed in my eyes. I ain't never feel this much pain or embarrassment before.


"Get out. Get out my fucking house Khalil I'm not playing." I turned away from him and pointed towards the door.


"No. Just go, please. I don't wanna talk to you and I damn sure don't wanna look at you. Get out." I said calmly.

I heard him huff before he walked right out without saying anything. I closed my door behind him and walked back over to my bed.

I unlocked my phone and went straight to instagram, I was just hurting myself at this point because I knew I was setting myself up.

jaydawayda commented: baby u a hoe🤣

bigmoneyquan commented: ^ literally. shorty prolly ran through asf 😴

longlivekacy commented: if i was you i would log out and nevaaaa log back in again. throw the whole account away

glockfrom43 commented: you trending for being a lil hoe? must suck💀💀💀

shadymilan commented: LMFAOOO THATS WHAT YOU GET SUH 🤣🤮

hernameshay commented: khalil said: fuck her young ass 🤧

theetaylordion commented: all you bitches in this comment section lame asf. just a bunch of bandwagons who won't say nun in person, wack asf.

I shook my head and locked my phone back. I bit down on my bottom lip before throwing it across my room making it hit the mirror, causing it to shatter.

"Oh shit." I jumped up and walked over to it carefully to make sure I didn't cut myself.

It was glass everywhere.

My door opened in my momma walked in.

"Emani what is you- girl what the hell?!" She looked at the floor then at me. "What you do?"

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to, I'll clean it up."

"Nah I got it. Plus I need to talk to you." She said and walked over to my bed before sitting down.


"Why yo' principal just call me and tell me some video of you is going around the school and the internet?" She asked and I froze up.

"What video?" I looked at her.

"You know what video I'm talking about don't play dumb. Who the fuck recorded that shit?" She stood back up.

"I don't know." I said lowly.

"Them kids bullying you?"


"So what you look like you been crying? I know my kids Emani you don't gotta lie. What I should be doing is getting ready to press some fucking charges for-"

"Momma stop. I'm straight." I said.

No I wasn't, but it's straight. Everything straight. We all straight.

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