Chapter 38 - I can't even believe it myself

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Skylars Pov:

Noelle and I are laying in her bed nacked.I'm cuddled into her side and the duvet is over us.

Her arm is around me and she drags her fingers up and down my arm.

"And you're really sure the door is locked?"Noelle asked and I laughed.

I cupped her face and kissed her cheek."I'm really sure."I told her with a chuckle.

She then turned her head and kissed me.I was about to get on top of her when some suddenly pressed down the door handle.

The person couldn't get inside because the door is locked and we quickly sat up.

"Noelle?Why is the door locked?"Sarah asked and we looked at each other with wide eyes.

Noelle and I quickly got out of the bed and got dressed.We quickly fixed our hair and she then opened the door.

"Oh um..Hi..Sarah."She said awkwardly and Sarah grinned.

"So..what did you two talk about?We haven't seen you for 20 minutes."she said which made us blush.

"Um..we about um.."Noelle tried to talk us out but she couldn't think of anything.

"Aha.Are you coming back into the living room?"she asked with a smirk.

We nodded and then walked back into the living room.


We're now back at home and today is Monday which means we have school again.

Noelle and I are now walking to our lockers where we meet up with Lizzie.

When she saw us she immediately pulled us into a hug."I missed you guys so much.We didn't see each other in ages!"She said happily and then pulled away.

"Great to see you too Liz."I said with a giggle.

" was Germany?"she asked and I smiled.

"Great."I replied and Noelle smiled.

"Um..well there's something we want to tell you.."I started nervously.

"And what?.."she asked curiously.

"On my birthday..Noelle um..proposed to me."I said with a nervous smile.

Lizzie looked at Noelle with wide eyes and she gave her a shy smile.

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you guys!"she said excitedly and hugged us again.

"When's the wedding?"Lizzie asked as she pulled away.

"We want to have the wedding in August but on which day..I don't know."I answered and Noelle nodded in agreement.

"And I would love if you would be my bridesmaid."I told her and she smiled widly.

"Oh my god I would love to!"Lizzie said excitedly and hugged me tightly.

"Let's go to class."I said when she pulled away.

I grabbed Noelles hand and we all walked to our class.


It's now four months later and today is our graduation day.We're all now standing on the stage and are waiting for them to call our name.

I'm really nervous and I guess Noelle noticed it because she grabbed my hand and gently squeezed her.

"I love you."she whispered which made me smile widly.

"I love you too."I whispered back.

Then suddenly my name got called and I let go of her hand and walked over to dad.

"I'm so proud of you."he said with a smile while handing me my diploma.

"Thanks dad."I said with a smile and then walked down the stage.

Then Noelle got called and walked over to me after she got her diploma.

She hugged me tightly and lifted me up a bit which made me giggle.

"I'm so proud of you baby."she said and let me down again.

"I'm proud of you too."I told her and cupped her cheeks.

I then pulled her towards me and kissed her.She wrapped her arms around me and I can feel her smile into the kiss.

I then pulled away and smiled at her.We then sat down on our seats and watched the others getting their diploma.

"I can't believe you two are graduating!"Caroline said happily and we smiled.

"I can't even believe it myself."Noelle mumbled which made us laugh.

I then grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.I laid my head on her shoulder and looked up to her with a smile.

I pecked her lips and then snuggled more into her.

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