Chapter 37 - I want my pillow

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Noelle's Pov:

After like a minute they three came into the living room and everyone sat down on the couch.

I took Sky's hand and walked in front of them.

"So..Skylar and I wanted to tell you guys something.."I said and Sky intertwined our fingers.

"You got her pregnant!"Sarah guessed and I laughed while Sky blushed.

"I can't get her pregnant."I said with a chuckle.

"Right!"my aunt said with a chuckle.

" you all knew it was Sky's birthday two days ago."I started and they all nodded with a smile.

"And thank you for calling and congratulating."Sky added with a smile.

"And on that day I..uh..proposed to her."I said and all their eyes widened.

"And before you say something.I know we're still young and we are only together for three months but I love Skylar more than anything and I want her by my side forever."I told them and Sky wrapped her arm around mine and snuggled into my side.

It's the first time I told them that I love Skylar and I'm so nervous about their answers.

My mom then stood up and hugged us."I can't believe you two are getting married!"She said happily and then pulled away.

"I want to see the ring!"Sarah said exited and I laughed.

She then walked over to Skylar and Sky showed her the ring with a big smile.

"Wow!Noelle you know that's one expensive ring."my aunt said and I quickly looked anywhere but Skylar.

"What?!"she said angrily and I looked at her with a apologetic smile.

She then walked over to me and crossed her arms."You said it wasn't expensive."she said and I smiled nervously.

"I'm sorry.I thought you would exchange the ring with one which isn't that expensive because you don't like it when someone buys you something expensive."I explained.

She uncrossed her arms and smiled."Why do you know me so well?"She asked and I smiled.

I just shrugged which made her giggle.She then gently cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a soft kiss.

She then pulled away and laid the side of her head against my collarbone and wrapped her one arm around my waist.

"Aww I'm soo happy for you."Sarah said with a wide smile and Sky buried her head in my neck to hide her blush.

"So..when is the wedding?"Mom asked with a smile.

"Um..we don't really know it yet but definitely after we graduated."I answered and she nodded.

"Uhh how about we get married in August?Then it's not to warm or to cold.And the autumn is beautiful."Sky suddenly said with a wide smile.

"I love that idea."I told her and she smiled at me.

"'re gay or what?"Lena asked and crossed her arms.

"Yeah.You got a problem with that?"I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"No..I just asked."she said and I nodded.

"Uh babe I just realized we didn't told it Lizzie and the guys yet."Sky said with wide eyes.

"We going to tell her when we get back."I told her and she nodded.

"We also haven't seen her in a long time."she added and I nodded sadly.

"Who's Lizzie?"Sarah asked and we looked at her.

"My best friend."Sky answered with a smile.


We then just sat on the couch and talked with each other.Emily is back in her room,listening to music and Lena is with her boyfriend but we just enjoy the company with the others.

Sky's laying on her back with her head in my lap.My hand is on her head and I'm gently brushing over her hair.

I look down at her with a smile and she smiled back.

She then lifted her hands and I leaned down and put my face in them.

She pulled my face more down and pressed her lips on mine.

I couldn't help but smile into the and I could feel her smile too.

I love our upside down kisses.

"Aww you guys are way too cute!"Sarah said when we pulled away which made us blush.

Sky then sat up and turned around so that her whole body is facing me.

"I want my pillow."she mumbled with pout.

"What?"the others asked confused.

I then laid down on my back and opened my arms."Come here."I said with a smile and Sky laid down on top of me.

She snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her back.

Her arms are around my waist and her face is buried in my neck.

"Oh..Noelle is Skylars pillow."Sarah said with a chuckle.

"Why are you never my pillow?"I asked and Sky lifted her head to look at me.

"Because I enjoy this way more."she answered with a smile."And I know you do too."she added and I just shrugged with a smirk.

She then leaned closer that our lips were about to touch."And I can do this."she whispered before placing her lips on mine.

Afer a few seconds she was about to pull away but I cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeper.

I can feel her smile into the kiss and after some seconds we pulled away.

She kissed my cheek and then buried her face back in my neck.

"Aww you two are so adorable!"mom said and I smiled at her.

My eyes widened when Skylar started kissing my neck.

"Are you okay Noelle?"Sarah asked and Sky giggled.

She then pulled away and sat up."Baby can I talk to you for a minute?"she sweetly and I nodded.

We stood up and walked into my room.

When I hear her lock the door I turned around and asked,"Sky what t-"I was cut of by her lips.

Our kiss got quickly intense and passionate.

She then picked me up and laid me on my bed.She got on top of me and kissed me deeply.

After a few seconds she pulled away and then kissed and sucked on my neck.

She then grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head.

She leaned back down and kissed me deeply.She then pulled my pants down and I took of her shirt too.

Skylar then kissed down my stomach which made me gasp.

"The door is really locked?"I asked and she chuckled and then hummbed in response.

"Okay..."I breathed out.

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