Chapter 5: Central City

Start from the beginning

Lena: let go of me, Lex!!

Lex: if you say so

Lex let go of Lena and Barry run very fast and finally catch her and go to the DEO and met Kara with others in the past.

Kara: Lena are you okay??

Lena: yea I'm fine but he just saves me from Lex

Kara: Thanks for saving my girlfriend and who are you exactly

Winn: wait I know you from somewhere

Barry: actually I know you guys from the future

Winn: are you from the future

Barry: yes I am

Kara: What is your name?

Barry: you can call me The Flash from your friend Kara Danvers

Kara: How did you know my name and plus we didn't meet yet

Suddenly, Cisco speaks on Barry comms and he answers him.

Cisco: Hey Barry are you okay?

Barry: yes

Cisco: well you did it

Barry: what happened did the something change

Cisco: yes big time

Barry: I coming home

Cisco: see you back at the star Labs

Barry: alright Cisco

Winn: Barry who are you talking to

Barry: sorry I have to go back from the future

Kara: Barry wait

Barry: Kara?

Kara Danvers hugs Barry tightly and saying to him that she will meet him someday.

Barry: thanks to everyone and Kara, please take care of Lena while you are fighting crime

Kara: well do Barry

Cisco: BARRY!!!

Barry: alright Cisco stop yelling into my ear

He runs into the speed force back to Central City and returns back to Star Labs saw Kara and Lena were recover herself at the medical room with Caitlin check her viral.

Kara: Barry thanks for saving Lena

Barry: sure no problem

Lena: Thanks for saving my life I couldn't live without Kara by my side

Barry: it's okay what a friend for

Cisco spotted that Barry's face was getting pale like a dead fish.

Cisco: Barry are you okay?

Barry: What are you talking about I'm fine

Suddenly, Barry wants to walk towards to Cisco for a bro hug out of a sudden He collapses on the floor and his eye we're close and Cisco rush at Barry were still unconscious on the ground.

Cisco: BARRY!!!!

Caitlin: Cisco, not panic let me check his viral

Cisco nods at Caitlin and lets her check on Barry.

She uses her metahuman power to low his blood pressure to a medium-sized but Barry pulse is too fast like a bolt-on his chest.

Cisco: so how is Barry?

Caitlin: not good he drops his viral to high pressure

Kara: please help Barry

Lena: Kara?

Kara looks at Lena with her eyes are tears falling down on the ground.

Lena: Barry will be fine he is strong

Barry: C...Cisco promises me something

Cisco: I'm here buddy

Barry: P...Please tell Iris that I love her so much

Cisco: Barry you can't go just yet

Suddenly, Barry closes both of his eyes and his viral is dropping into zero which means Barry, heart, is gone they can't do anything that can do to save him but that have someone can save Barry get back alive without the mess with the timeline.

Caitlin: sorry Cisco Barry is gone

Cisco: No Barry can't dead he just can't leave me alone what if the holiday I need to watch my friend favorite Tv show without Barry

Caitlin: I know Cisco we all do miss him around but he actually dies in your arms

Cisco: damn it

He kicks the trash can near the medical room very frustrating on his face.

Kara: but someone can actually save him from the future or the past

Cisco: but where we can find someone who can turn dead people to alive

Kara: why not ask Sara lance

Cisco: you mean Sara lance from the legend

Kara: yea we can ask her for helping Barry bring back him

Caitlin: yes we can do that but where did the wave rider went

Cisco: actually I know where it went?

Kara: where at?

Cisco: right top of the central City rooftop

Kara: how did you know that?

Caitlin: Cisco can tell the future and the past it can went happened or didn't went

Meantime, Sara lance land the wave rider at the central City where she can see is the star labs rooftop building.

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