Chapter 6

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The building is grey with peeling paint and graffiti covering anywhere the paint isn’t peeling.

Inside isn’t much better. I think they were trying to go for the colourful, we’re trying to help you approach and failed miserably.

I take my seat and read the same notice I’ve read for the past however long I’ve been forced to be here.

It’s about not talking to strangers. I have to try to stifle a laugh considering our encounter with whoever that guy was.

Dave calls me in and I take my seat.

“Ok Morgan. I’m required to ask you some questions about your new foster family. One, do you feel as though you fit in?” I nod.

“Two, are you having any problems?” Yeah, Sam. I shake my head.

“And three, are they abusive?”

I raise my eyebrow as if to say they wouldn’t hurt a fly.

“Good. Now if there is anything you would like to talk about? Struggles, anything? You can trust me, you do know that?” I nod.

Even if I did trust him not to tell anyone I still wouldn’t say anything anyway.

I walk out of the room and catch a glimpse of a guy sitting in the waiting room.

I have to do a double take. The second time round he notices and smiles. I smile back and notice his hands are covered in paint.

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