*You took apart the machines wires and absorb all the back up electricity just in case

"There.Now their is something wrong with the machine"
"...Despite how you look.I truly created a Monster"Gaster
"Dr.Gaster what are your orders!"Royal Guard
"Don't do anything.Even if you did he will either absorb you or kill you"Gaster
"But why sir!He's gonna kill everyone if we don't stop him!"Monitor
"You are not looking at a monster you're looking at a being close to God"Gaster
"Please don't say words like that.Being God doesn't sound fun at all"You said
"Just shut up...and..free..us already"Gaster said. Those were his last words
*Gaster turned into dust
"Even though you saw me go through pain and suffering and did nothing but watch.I will go ahead with the mission as a way to repay you for giving me strength"you said
"You goddamn traitor"Royal Guard
*All monsters attacked you
*The area around you was covered in smoke and dust
*Your eyes turned black with red pupils
*They all dropped there weapons and shaking walking backwards

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you.Everything is gonna change for the better.But after I'm satisfied"you said
*You took the papers Gaster gave you and walked past the scared monsters.

"Oh if you tell the others,especially the majesties,I will burn this Underground and leave you all to burn"
*They didn't respond only fear has taken over their bodies
*You're at the first floor and saw Undyne
"(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL!"Undyne
(Don't make me kill you)
"YOUR WHOLE BODY CHANGE!YOU GOT TALLER AND YOUR EYES!Yeesh do you really need to change that too?"Undyne
(Heh I as worried for nothing)

"Hey it's my eyes.Quit complaining about it when their not yours"
"Hah whatever but you really like black huh"Undyne
"I didn't actually choose it.It just came naturally"
"So I guess..Gaster told you everything"
"Yeah..he gave me power and now I'm going to set monsters free and reclaimed what we all lost"
"Yup But I'll do it later"
"WHAT WHY?!"Undyne
"Asriels birthday ceremony is coming up.What is a better present than giving him the whole world to explore"
"Heh what a schemer you are"Undyne
"Yeah don't spoil it ok?"

"You got it punk.Cant wait to finally see the surface"Undyne
"Yeah finally something new"
*Your back to your original look
"Waoh what happened?"Undyne
"My head hurts.I can turn back but if I go back home with the human like that they will freak out"
"You can still break the barrier right?"Undyne
"Of course.I think I don't need that form to do it"
"Your full of surprises you know that"Undyne
(Bet She will be surprise what I just did)

"Anyways I'm going back to Waterfall"
"Alright is it alright I Tell Alphys?"Undyne
"Sure.And how about you finally have your first date in the surface?"
"Don't make me FIGHT you"Undyne
"Heh calm down.But come on it's been literally years you should have someone close to make you happy"
"Whatever Romeo"Undyne
"Who's that?"
"Ugh never mind just leave already"Undyne
"Heh alright...Hey Undyne wanna see something cool?"
*A giant skeleton hand with a hole in the palm appeared over your head

"No freakin way.."Undyne
"See ya later Undyne"
*You are back at Happstablook house
(Heh got it right on the first try)

*You open the door and see no one on the first floor.You checked the second floor and the door is left open
(Please just be Nothing)
*No one's here
*You hear the front door open.You ran back down and saw...
*A slimy black figure that had tentacles on his back

"You have some intense fear on you my friend" ?
*You didn't respond you just got closer
"Waoh waoh calm down.Im here to talk" ?
*You stopped and listened
"You're ready to listen?Good.Now let me guess you lost a few humans am I right" ?
*Your eyes glowed red
"Hey I said calm down.Im not here to FIGHT" ?
"Then speak"
"I have your humans.But they are trap in my universe" ?
(Fuck I see no lies)
"What do you want?"
"You catch on fast.I just want you to do a little job..If you complete it then I'll set your humans free and return them back to you" ?
"That last part was a lie"
"Heheheheh Fine I promise you I'll let you see them and they we'll be kept safe while being provided for their daily necessities" ?
"Alright let me see them first so I know for sure what you said is true"
"Then follow me new friend" ? said while opening a black portal
*He walked in and you followed

*You walked in an area that looks like a dungeon
"Follow me to their cells" ? Said as it walked forward
"What the heck is this place?"
"Don't worry.Focus on your humans" ?
*You walked down into a stairway where there's even more jail cells
"This place has so much room but little residents, right "friend"you said
"Yes.I don't get many visitors..well I'm pretty sure you know why" ?
"I can think of a couple of reasons"you said
*You both finally see Chara and Frisk.They we're both sitting on the cold floor with one bed and one toilet

"See" ?
"...Frisk..Chara"you called out
"(Y/N)!!"They said as they went up to you
"Are you two Alright.What happened?"
"That Monster kidnapped us while we were walking back to Happstablook!"Chara
"Don't worry I'll get you out of here soon"you said as you caressed their cheeks
"Yes..after we do a little job I set you both free and return you to your universe" ? Said
"What he said"
"(Y/N) I'm scared"Frisk
"Just get us out of here!"Chara
"Don't worry..Here"you said as you created two jackets and a blanket for them
"How did you-"Frisk
"Don't worry I'll be back soon.So just go to sleep and you'll wake up back home.Okay?"You said as you got up
"Please hurry"Frisk
"I will be back soon I promise"
"Finish with your worrying?If you are then let's go" ? Walking away
"Alright slow down.I'll be back"you said then leaving
"Hurry (Y/N)!"They said as their voices echo in the hall

"I got one question.Why didn't you try to free them?" ? Asked
"Because I don't know you.I don't gamble on escaping when I don't know how to get out"you said
"Heh Your very smart.Most people would do the opposite" ? Said
"So what happened to them?"You asked
"Heheh if you'll help me then you got nothing to worry about" ?
"Alright but whats the job?"You asked
"We're gonna attack a little firefly who has a golden crown" ?
"Like a Flower?"
"No not like a flower!Like tiara or some shit like that" ?
"Oh alright so what's the plan?"

"Well we'll find him...We both knock him down and until he submits in giving me that golden apple, we both leave and come back here" ?
"Any powers I should know about?"you asked
"He uses a staff and bow made of pure happy emotions" ?
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"It means how I said it" ?
"Is this a freakin anime or some shit?!"
"No and never bring that up again" ?
"Alright let's just go"
"Speaking my mind" ?
*? made a portal and you both walked through
*You enter a white void and see one light figure before you

*Next Time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें