You shrug, " Meh, the same as you. I wasn't really concentrating today, because I have my mind on... other things."

" Like, Tom Holland," Y/BF/N grins.

" Ssshh!" You hiss, looking around to make sure no one heard them. There's a statuesque guy at the table next to yours, munching a salad, and absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, and on the other side is a small girl with raven hair, poring over a text book and sipping an iced coffee.

You glare daggers at your best friend, " We can't talk about this here."

Your best friend smirks, ignoring your request, " Sooo, are you getting excited for tonight then?"
Heat creeps up your cheeks, " Of course I am. I'm so nervous though, and I have no idea what to wear!"

"Wear that um... you know... that cute dress."

" What cute dress?"

" The nude coloured one, it's not too dressy, but not too casual either, and you look damn fine in it." Y/BF/N brows raise, in order to prove their point.

You purse your lips thinking about it, " Ok I'll wear that one."

" See, what would you do without me?" Y/BF/N grins.

Chuckling, you shove your best friend playfully. Just then your order is called, so you go up to get it. You both wolf down your meals, relishing the taste of tomatoes and melted cheese. After your friend finishes their meal, they quickly glance at their watch to see the time.

" Crap! I'm meant to meet Noel, for study. I got to jet," Their chair scrapes back, and they grab their bag in a flurry.

You smirk, " Noel, huh? Sure you guys will be studying?"

" Shut up, he doesn't like me like that." Y/BF/N cheeks redden." Anyway, gotta go. Love you three thousand," Your best friend peels out of the café, almost knocking a woman over, who's holding a coffee.

You snort, Noel and Y/BF/N have been hooking up for months, but your best friend has been cagey about it. But you don't know why. Noel used to have a girlfriend but they broke up around about the same time Y/BF/N and him started "studying" together.

You still had half an hour to kill before you had to head back to class, so you pick up your bag, eager to head to somewhere more quiet so you can start researching multiverses. 


It's the end of the day and you walk out of your final class. The sun bathes the sky a golden hue, as it begins its descent over the horizon. There are students walking across campus, heading to their dorms, or lounging out on the grass with textbooks, talking in groups. Your father is idling, in the carpark, waiting for you. You jump into the car, and talk about each other's day. He asks you how classes were, and you ask him how work was. Neither of you mention, the elephant in the room that's causing your stomach to erupt in butterflies. For a while you both sit in a tense silence, while traffic crawls around you, and lights blink on from the street and buildings.

" So, what time is... Tim? Picking you up?"

You sigh, " Tom, his name is Tom, Dad... and he's picking me up in a couple of hours so I have to get ready soon." You anxiously check the time, aware that the traffic is somehow worse today. You scowl at the long line of taillights ahead of you, a horn honks up ahead.

Your Dad nods, " Ok, well did you tell your mother yet?"

Your heart sinks as you realise you forgot to tell her, you shoot your father a pleading look, and he sighs, " Fine... I'll let her know. But if she asks for photos, that's on her, not me," your dad shrugs.

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