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"Unnie ! Wake up!" I groaned and tried to push Haru away. I was still tired from work and only wanted to sleep. "Loco keeps calling!" I sat straight up and grabbed my phone. "Shit!" I had 13 missed calls and 10 texts. I called him right back hoping he'd forgive me. "Bailing on me again huh?" I could hear some hurt in his voice. "Sorry I overslept meet me at the station in an hour." Before he could reply I hung up and jumped out of bed. "Mom I'm meeting a classmate I'll be home in a bit okay?" I quickly washed up and brushed my hair. I grabbed the first thing I saw and threw it on. "Mom?" I walked out to the kitchen to see a post it note on the fridge. Working at the market be home late. I stared at it for a second wanting to cry. I finally made it a point to see him outside of school but I'd have to cancel. "Unnie?" Youngji walked into the kitchen and read the note. "Were you going to meet Loco oppa?" I shook my head and a small tear rolled out. "It's fine we can have fun here." I threw on a fake smile and pushed my wants to the side again. "You can go I'm old enough to watch the twins." I shook my head and threw the note away. "Nonsense, I can hang out with him next week." I walked out of the kitchen and to my room to grab my phone. I knew I was being a coward by sending a text but I didn't have the heart to call him. I didn't want to hear the disappointment in his voice. Something at home came up. I'm sorry I can't go anymore. I really did try this time but I can't leave my house now. Maybe next weekend... I pressed send and changed out of my outfit to my yoga pants and oversized shirt. I went to check on my grandma and as usual she was napping. "Unnie we're hungry." Haru and Hari snuck up behind me both pulling on my shirt. I smiled and patted their head. "Come on let's go get some food." I frowned when I saw the fridge empty again. "Wanna go get groceries? I think we should make grandma some soup okay?" They agreed and quickly ran to get dressed. I told Youngji to get dressed and got my cart ready so we could carry it all back. I grabbed 200 from my stash and made a grocery list. Once we were all ready I had Haru and Hari hold my hands so they wouldn't get lost. I grabbed as much as I could and got them all a few snacks. Once the basket was completely full we checked out and made our way home. "Hari! Haru! Be careful!" My hands were full with the basket and Youngji's were full of bags so they had to be let free. They were both skipping and kept getting far ahead. "Unnie do you ever get tired?" I tried my best to keep an eye on the twins and pay attention to Youngji. "Of?" I looked back to the twins up ahead. "Being our mom... you don't even go out with your friends anymore. I know you can't be happy." I stopped and looked over to her. "I am happy. I get to spend time with you guys all day and take care of y'all. Trust me I'm not missing out on anything. I meet a lot of people at work and make a lot of friends..." Before I could finish I heard the twins cry. I ran straight to them forgetting all about our basket. "What happened?" Both were in tears and had scrapes on their knees. "Awe babies were y'all running to fast?" Both nodded in unison and reached for a hug. "Come on let's get y'all home." I put Hari on my back and carried Haru to the cart. "Are they okay Unnie?" I nodded at Youngji and passed her a few more bags so I could put Haru in the cart. It was hard to carry one and push the other with the groceries but I couldn't show them my struggle. I was only halfway home and I was ready to give up. "Unnie let me just run home and come back okay?" Youngji offered but I didn't want to let her go back alone she was only 9. "Yuna?" I turned back to see Dean approaching me and my sisters. "Dean?" He sent me a bright smile and I noticed he was with a few friends. "Do you need help?" I wanted to say yes but it seemed every time he saw me I was in need. "Unnie do you know him?" Youngji stared at him with hearts in her eyes. "I know her from school." Her eyes grew wider and she looked to me. "Yes he's a classmate. Youngji this is Dean." She have a small bow and stared at him the whole time. "Can I help you?" He got closer and motioned to my full hands. "No you're with your friends I'd hate to be a bother again." Like he always did he assured me it wasn't a big deal and took over the cart and pushed Haru home. I was surprised by how easily he moved her and how nice he was being to me. "You look different outside of school." He joked and I responded with a light smile. "So do you I didn't know you had tattoos." His light chuckle lightened the mood. I guided him all the way back to my house even though I was screaming no internally. I introduced him to Haru and Hari. They were so fascinated by him and he loved the attention. When we got to my house I was going to ask him to leave but my sisters invited him in. I was embarrassed by my small home. It was a one bedroom with a storage room. I turned the storage room into my room and shared the bathroom with my mom and sisters. Grandma shared a room with my sisters and my mom slept in our living area. I gave him a mini tour after putting up the groceries. "Tea?" He accepted and made himself at home. "Your sisters are cute." "Thanks I think they're a handful." He chuckled and took another look at my house. I could tell he wanted to say more but didn't. I heard the door to the bedroom open and my grandma entered the room. "Yuna I didn't know you had a friend over." She smiled brightly at Dean and gave him the biggest welcome. He quickly bowed and introduced himself to her showing the upmost respect. "Grandma this is my friend Dean from school." She sat across from him and offered him some snacks. I felt relieved knowing she was in a good mood. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" I was shocked she invited him so quickly. "Yes I'd like that." His response shocked me even more. Us spending time like this really brought back old memories some good and some bad. I wish I knew what he was thinking. I wanted to know why he had hurt me so badly but I was enjoying times like this and didn't want to think of the past.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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