Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: Guess who's back... Sorry for being gone for so long. I had exams (aka hell on a piece paper. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Later dark stars!!!

Hadrian's P.O.V

Once Krum reached the trophy, i emerged from the bush and touched it the same time as Krum. He looked at me in shock but i just gave him a smug look before we both got transported to Uncle Tom's graveyard. Once we got there, i hid in the shadows before Krum could see me. Now i just have to wait for Draco, my parents, Draco's parents and the other death eaters to arrive.

Draco's P.O.V

After i got the signal from Barty Crouch Jr. i nodded towards the others which are Neville, Luna, Fred and George because my parents and Hadrian's parents already left to get there. Me, Neville, Luna, Fred and George sneaked away so that Dumble's couldn't see us before making a mad dash towards the Room of Requirements. Why is that??? Because we can summon a door that can teleport us to the graveyard. (A/N : When i typed this i instantly remembered Halsey's song Graveyard) When we reached the Room of Requirements, i pratically burst through the door because of how fast i was running. Whe we entered we saw the door that we needed and i opened the door with the others following behind.

"Ladies first" i said as i held the door open for Luna.
"Why thank you"

Fred and George gave me a mocking salute before entering the door. I just rolled my eyes at them and waited for Neville to enter before going in and shutting the door as well.

Charlie's P.O.V (A/N : Didn't expect that did ya)

I was petting a dragon when my watched suddenly flashed red. Which means that it was time for us to go to Tom's graveyard.

"Come on you slow poke. We're going to be late"
I turned around and saw Billy but i just rolled my eyes.
"I'm coming!!!"

And we started rushing towards the exit. The reason we're rushing is because we're supposed to be meeting Viktor Krum there. He was flirting with Hadrian which is a dumb move on his part because if you mess with Draco's mate. You're gonna get the full package which is a bit of torturing from us. When we got to the exit we apparated to the graveyard. I smirked this is going to be fun.

When we got there we saw Krum facing the opposite direction we we're at. Holding his wand tightly in his grasps. We took the opportunity to stay hidden behind the nearest tombstone we could fine. We we're just watching him when all of a sudden...

"Hi guys"
We flinched at the sudden voice but luckily we didn't scream and didn't get caught or else the plan would've failed. We turned around and saw Hadrian standing behind us.
"What the heck was that for!!! You almost got us caught!!!" Billy whisper-shouted.
Hadrian put his hands up in surrender and went back into the shadows. I just shighed at his gesture and shook my head. I looked back and saw Krum lowering his wand. I smirked. The perfect opportunity to strike. I took out my wand and pointed it towards his.
"Expelliarmurs" I whispered and just like that his wand was long gone. He turned around slightly confused and scared.
"Whose there???"
I looked at Billy and i could tell we had the same exact plan.
"Well...well...well...look who we have here" Billy started and i continued
"A lost and defenseless little boy who thought he could actually win. Tsk...tsk hasn't your sorry excuse of a teacher told you that once you enter you shall face the that brain of yours really slow at processing the information (insert evil laugh) how pathetic"
"Show yourself RIGHT NOW" (A/N :Show yourself... I'm dying to meet you~ Opps sorry I'll just stop)
Billy walked out first
"Trying to sound intimidating are you know...pfft...please...a toddler can sound more intimidating than you"
After that i walked out the opposite side that Billy did.
"Oh no we're so scared!!! What ever shall we do" i said while mockingly put the back side of my hand on my forehead. Billy just laughed.

Krum looked scared and started running towards the trophy that took him here in the first place. I just rolled my eyes at his attempts because it's all going to end up in failure. Billy yawned and casted a binding spell at him making him fall flat on his face. He was helpless now. Now all we got to do is wait for the others to arrive. Hadrian suddenly appeared next to me laughing hysterically.

"N-n-nice on-one guys th-that wa-was hilarious!!!" he said in between his laughs.
"I know right. But we have to wait for the others to get here before we get to do anything to him"
Hadrian groaned but understood that we have to be patient. And now we wait.

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