Chapter Nineteenth

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Draco's P.O.V

Uncle Sev are teaching us slow dancing at the moment (even though i alresdy now how to) because Dumblef*ck said that there is going to be a ball held in honor of the Triwizard Tournament which is known as the Yule Ball. The ball is held during christmas which is approaching around the corner. Everyone is laughing right now because Pansy accidentally stepped on Uncle Sev's foot and he stopped slow dancing to hold his poor toes so he was standing on one leg. He lost balance and fell on top of Blaise crushing the poor *cough* not *cough* boy but not bad enough because he didn't break any of his bones. Hadrian walked up to Uncle Sev and helped him up even though he was snickering trying not to laugh at his papa. Uncle Sev finally got back on his feet without Hadrian help and he said that we can return to the common room. Us Slytherins walked out some snickering and some giggling. Hadrian was about to walk but he stopped when he noticed i haven't moved. He looked at me with a questioning looke but i had a sly grin on my face and just said

"You'll see soon enough"

He just shook his head and we started walking towards the dormitories.

Hadrian's P.O.V

I am a bit curious about what Dracos up to but knowing him I'm going to find out sooner than later. We walked towards the dormitories fingers linked. When we got to our room Draco tackeled me to the ground and peppered my face with kisses i was giggling because it tickled.


When he was done he got up and extended his hand so he can lift me up. I took his hand and he yanked me up and pulled me into a hug. I could feel his breath on my ear and i shivered.

"Will you go to the ball with me???"

I pulled him in arms length but not letting him go fully. I looked at him in the eyes and i pecked his lips.
"Of course. What kind off question is that???" i smiled widely. He just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know, just thought that i should do it properly even though your my beautiful, handsome and attractive boyfriend"

I blushed at the compliments and smiled at him. Im very glad he is my mate.

-Timeskip to the Yule Ball-

I was in the bathroom fixing my dress robe and combing my hair while Draco was getting ready in our room because he insisted that we should suprise each other with what we're going to wear for the ball *sigh* Even though i love him he can be quite fussy when it come to clothes or hair. Oh! And if you're wondering what I'm wearing, I'm wearing a green dress robe with black pants and black shoes with specks of gold on it. (A/N : I honestly have a bad sense of fashion so don't mind me)

I walk towards the door and shouted to Draco.
"Dragon!!! Are you done yet?!?!"
"Hold on!!! Almost... Done!!! You can come out now!!!"

I walked out of the bathroom and i was gawking at what i saw. Draco was wearing a grey tuxedo with a green tie that has a snake on it. Out of the corner of my eyes i saw his right hand behind his back. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

" You look amazing Hadri"
" You look stunning love but would you mind telling me what you're hiding behind your back"
He gave me a mischievous smirk.
"You want to find out???"
I nodded my head.
"Close your eyes and turn around???"
I tilted my head to the side in confusion and raised an eyebrow. He chuckled.
"Just do it"
I sigh but turned around nonetheless with me face facing the mirror. I felt him placing something on my head and i wanted to see it so bad but patience is key.
" your eyes"

I opened my eyes and gasped at what i saw in the mirror. I saw a a flower crown on my head. It was filled with roses, daisies and sunflowers at middle of it l, it was a galaxy rose with specks of gold on it. I started to tear up a little by how beautiful it was.

"Do you not like it??? It's okay if you dont lik-"
I cut him off by kissing his lips passionately (A/N : I swear every time i write a kissing scence I'm glaring at the screen thinking 'wtf am i doing' over and over again. In my opinion it's hilarious) he kissed me back with the same amount of passion. We pulled away panting just staring at each others eyes before i spoke up.
"I don't like it"
He frowned.
"I love it. Thank you, thank you!!! I'm going to wear this all day from now on and don't even think you can do something to stop me!!!"
He chuckeld and blushed and kissed my forehead.
"Of coures i won't and I'm glad you like it. Now come on or else we're going to be late for the ball"
I nodded and we walked towards the door. He opened the door for me.
"After you m'lady" he said bowing to me while his hand was still on the handle.
"Thank you so much kind sir"
We laughed and started heading to the Great Hall were the ball is being held.

Life Is A Messed Up Game  ( SEQUEL ) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora