Chapter Eleven

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A/N : This is what i drew. Do you like it??? No??? Okay on with the story.

Hadrian's P.O.V

After the meeting was done we were excuse which was a relief because i don't know how much longer i could sit still in my chair without going berserk. If your wondering what happend in the meeting here's what happened.


"As we all know Dumbledore is planning to host the Triwizard Tournament. Am i correct Remus?" Uncle Tom looks at Remus for conformation which he nodded his head.
"I'm sure Dumbledore is planning on entering Hadrian in the Triwizard Tournament for another "adventure" but i have a plan on how to get our revenge on the old geezer so listen closely because i will not repeat myself. I'm sending Barty Crouch. Jr to replace Mad-eye Moody because Dumbledore has said that he will be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Bill and Charlie will try and capture Mad-eye so we can get a sample of his hair for Sev to mix in a polyjuice potion. Fred and George make sure the others are distracted to make their job a little bit easier. Percy i need you to make sure you conviced the ministry to not drop Hadrian out of the tournament. Once you've done all of that. Draco, Hadrian i need you to find a way to get us all inside the castle without us being caught. Does everyone understand the plan" we all nod our heads.
"Alright then meeting dismissed"


Me, Draco and the Weasley's chatted for a while. Draco and the Weasley's surprisingly got along just fine but sadly the Weasley's had to leave or else the light side is gonna be suspicious on we're done been for the past hour. We waved them goodbye and they apparated back to Grimmauld (A/N: Did i spell this right. If it isn't leave me a comment so i can fix the spelling) I look at Draco to see him smirking at me. I was about to ask what he was thinking about when all of a sudden he smashed his lips on to mine. It didn't take me long to kiss back. Adter a few moments he pulled away but i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him back into another kiss. We were still kissing when we heard someone.


We turned our heads to find Uncle Tom, Uncle Luc, Aunt Cissa, my dad and my papa staring at us grinning from ear to ear. We blushed red from embarrassment and let go of each other.

"As much as we want to let you two have some alone time together we need to get back to the manor. You'll both see each other again when we go to Diagon Alley" Uncle Luc said as we nod in understanding. I gave him a peck on the lips and we walked towards our parents. We said our goodbyes and we went back inside.

-Timeskip To Diagon Alley-

Still Hadrian's P.O.V

Me, my papa and the Malfoys were walking towards Diagon Alley. My dad and Uncle Tom couldn't come with us so they don't blow their cover even though they can just put on glamour they don't want to risk it.

"Ok, me and Lucius has to go somewhere but we'll be back in a bit but until then Cissa is gonna go with you to buy your new school supplies. Understood" we nod our heads and we made our way to Flourish Bolts (A/N: Can someone tell me the name of the bookstore again i forgot. Some Harry Potter fan i am😢😭) While we were walking, me and Draco bumped into someone can you guess who it is??? That's right you guessed it the mudblood and blood traitors.

"Watch were you're going mudblood and blood traitors" i spat and Draco helped me up off the ground.
"Excuse me? Do you know who we are?"
"A bunch of idiots???" i say innocently while Draco tried to hold in his laughter and Aunt Cissa looked at us in amusement.
"We're...*points at himself, his sister and the mudblood* are Harry Potter's best friends and my little sister is his girlfriend"
I snorted while Draco wrapped his arms around my waist. Then we sneered and glared at them.
"Oh really??? If you really are his best friends and girlfriend where is he know. I mean really isn't he supposed to be walking with you right now and defending you Gryffindorks or are you idiots really that dense then i thought you were??? "
The Weasel and weaslet's face turned as red as their with rage while Granger looked like she was rethinking about what i said. She finally snapped out of her trance and yanked the blood traitors hand and started dragging them somewhere else.
Draco chuckled.
"Nice one babe"
I smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Of course it was do you know me. Oh and by the way Aunt Cissa i need a new wand because my old one doesn't work anymore"
She nodded her head.
"Of course dear we'll get your new wand after we get your books"
I nodded and Draco unwrapped his arms from my waist and intertwining our hands. I smiled and we continued walking towards the bookstore.

-Timeskip To Hadrian Getting a New Wand-

After we got our books Aunt Cissa led us to Knockturn Alley where we'll get my new wand because she said that Ollivander's wand are no where near as powerful as the wand shop in Knockturn Alley. We reached the shop and she opened the door. The shop looked in much better shape the Ollivander's shop. We were greeted by a nice women near the age of thirthy. She told me that i get to make my own wand. I was confused at first but didn't say anything. She brought out some wood and asked me to hover my hand over them and pick up the one that feels the most powerful and i did just did. My hand landed on a cheery oak wood. The woman took tge wood from me and put it on the side. She brought some magical core such as dragon scales, phoenix feathers, unicorn hair and much more. She asked me to repeat the process with what i did with the woods. My hand guided me towards two items at the end of the table. Those two items were a basilisk's fang and a male unicorns hair which according to the woman was the two most powerful core yet. She also said that only who survived the basilisk's venom can have a basilisk's fang as their wand's magical core.

"What a very powerful young boy you are. Your wand should be done in half an hour" i smiled at her comment and we waited for my wand to finish.

Half An Hour Later

"Here's your wand dear. I suggest you test it out first" i nodded and took the wand from her hands and let me tell you this. This wand is absolutely gorgeous. It had vines swirling around the wand and some gold shimmering touch on it. I levitated the flower pot which was on her table before putting it back down.
"Thank you so much!!! How much is this???"
She smiled, took the wand back and put the wand inside a box.
"That would be 15 galleons dear" i gave her the money and she handed me the box that contained my new wand. We bid her farewell and went back to meet up with Uncle Luc and my papa.

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