How to Read Gaius

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I promised you guys a happy chapter and so I was wracking my brain for some serotonin to think of nice, cheery stories and this is the best I could come up with!


Alanna's POV

I was about to go inside to Gaius's house without knocking. But then I stopped myself.

"Merlin," I heard Gaius call. "I'm sure Arthur can wait. First, I'm going to show you some basic anatomy."

I held back a laugh at poor Merlin as he grudgingly walked to the table and I heard him plop ungracefully down on the chair and Gaius bang a heavy book in front of him.

"I don't think standing outside the door will save you from anatomy class Alanna," Gaius called from inside. My eyes widened.
How did that old bat hear me?

I groaned and plopped down on another chair next to Merlin who was smirking. I stuck out my tongue at him.

"I know what Gaius does, Merlin," I say lowly, leaning in so that Gaius won't hear us while he's making some potion on the other side of the room.

" He will give us an hour or so to study the first three chapters and then gives us a test. If I know anything you don't then I'll help, and vice versa. Okay?"
He nodded and we went back to studying.

-------- AFTER THE TEST ----------

"So! Gaius! We did SO good on our test I was wondering if... we could... Have a day off herbs and all that medical stuff, you know," Merlin asked awkwardly. I sighed and shook my head.

Gaius didn't have to say anything. His answer was portrayed by his eyebrows shooting extremely high up his forehead, as if shocked we actually dared to ask the question.

"Oh no," Merlin whispered to me.

"It's official," I whispered back.

"I'm afraid so," he replied.

"Gaius disapproves," I conclude quietly.

"You know what! Never mind! I didn't want a day off anyways. Medical stuff, yippee," I stated giving him my phoniest smile that even sounded fake.

"Yes well then Alanna, why don't you go diagnose dear Mrs. Copper in town will you? She says her feet have been extremely sore for the past few days," Gaius said nonchalantly, as if we never even asked for a day off.

Merlin poked me in the arm and hurried me out of the house teasingly. "Hurry on Alanna, get out of the house," he whispered. I made a face at him before grabbing my kit and walking toward the door.

"You got it cotton top!" I yelled to Gaius.

"Hold it!" He called and I reversed back into the house.


"What did you just call me?"

" I called you cotton top, cotton top."

"And how, do I resemble a cotton top?" (Imagine Arthur asking Merlin why he calls him a dollop head.)

"Coz you got white hair. It looks fluffy. And top... You know... Head... Top. Cotton top."

He rolled his eyes. "Just go Alanna," he sighed.

"You got is cotton top!"

"Don't call me that!"

But I was out the door. I could faintly hear Merlin laughing and saying 'cotton top'.

I walked away smiling.





Absolute crap! Ugh, I'm so sorry, but I am seriously running out of inspiration.
So, I'm not going to update as often now.

Mostly coz I'm working on another book called 'Your Loyalty to Me'.
It's an Apollo x female oc book. So... Heads up to Percy Jackson fans!!

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