Meeting Merlin

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No, this isn't slash. I just had a very good idea and guess what? It's not based on anything but my imagination! :o (Surprise) Obviously, it's set in season 1 episode 1. It's just before Gaius reads the letter Hunith sent to him.  Also, I haven't been concentrating on the sarcastic side of Alanna enough, so...enjoy!


Gaius sat down on his chair by his work table. Merlin had gone into his room to go to sleep. It had been a rough day, the boy deserved some rest. He pulled out the letter Merlin gave to him and put on his glasses. Just then, there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in," he called. He was still awaiting a visit from Alanna, she usually came in the afternoon before dinner and at night before going to sleep.

An old man stepped into the little house.  Oh yes, he had forgotten to supply old Denis with his daily medicine. Of course it wasn't Alanna, she usually nevers bothers to knock.

He smiled warmly at the old man and put down the letter, opening his mouth to say sorry. Before he could, a very familiar person barged in through the open door and pushed past the man in the doorway. 

"Yeah, yeah," Alanna said rolling her eyes and walking over to the medecine on the table. She had known Denis since she arrived at Camelot so she knew exactly which medicine to give him.

"Take it and get out. Can't you see Gaius and I are trying to have some father - daughter time?" she said plopping the vial into his feeble hand  and pushing him out of the door.

"Goodnight. Bye-bye." With that, she slammed the door shut behind him and let out a huge exaggerated breath before turning around and beamimg at the shocked Gaius.

"Alanna!" he cried. She walked over to the dinner table and picked up an apple from the fruit basket and took a bite. "Yes?" 

"Was that the right medecine?" 

Trust Gaius to worry about the medicine first.


Gaius relaxed back into his chair. There was no point scolding her for being mean, she knew everyone in the village well enough to take their most prized possesion and they wouldn't bat an eye.

"That was rude," he finally pointed out. Alanna rolled her eyes.

"Sorry  Gaius, I should've invited him in for tea and had a nice long chat before sending him on his way with his medicine," she remarked in a sarcastic tone tilting her head to one side and faking a smile.

"That's EXACTLY  what you should've done," Gaius replied with an excellent poker face, picking up the letter once again.

She dropped her smile and finished her sentence, low enough for only herself to hear, "by giving him a kick on the backside." She silently resumed eating her apple. 

Unbeknowest to both of them, Merlin was watching the whole thing with his door slightly open, but wide enough to see through.

He was fascinated by how freely the girl talked to Gaius and the old man as if she knew them her whole life. He watched her princess black curls bounce around her shoulders wherever she walked and her twinkling eyes shine brightly, her face brighten up when she smiled and how gracefully and confidently she held herself.

Her eyes fascinated him. They were such a dark brown, that they appeared a soft black.
He slowly  opened the door and stepped out. 

"Hello,", he said nervously. Her piercing brown eyes  darted to him. Gaius looked up from Hunith's letter. 

"Merlin! You were supposed to be in bed!" He exclaimed. 

"Couldn't sleep," came the reply. Alanna hadn't said anything to him just yet, she was too busy studying this new person who was to stay with Gauis now.

He had raven black hair and his skin was as pale as a sheet of paper. But he had mesmerising blue orbs that could very much slice through one's soul but be as gentle as a dove at other times.

"You were supposed to come on Wednesday," she merely pointed out, biting into her apple.

"It is... Wednesday," he frowned, beginning to wonder if it actually was Wenesday or not.

Gaius burst out laughing. "That's exactly what I thought Alanna! I guess we're just a few days behi-" Between his attempts to stop laughing, his hand accidently knocked over his favourite cup and it was now going to break into tiny pieces.

Before anyone else could react, Alanna's hand flew to her bracelet and in a matter of a second, she had her wand pointed at the cup, catching it in mid-air, with no words spoken. She gently raised her wand, placing the cup back onto the table, safe and very much whole.

"What was that?" Merlin managed to say, still recovering from shock.

Alanna's eyes widened. Oh God, she thought, guess that's the end of me, goodbye head. Before she could start hiperventilating, Gaius interupted.

"Merlin has magic too, Alanna,  just explain the wand part," he stated cooly.

She sat down on a chair and gestured to Merlin to do the same. Besides, it was going to take quite a while.


And there you have it! How was it? Good? Bad? Terrible? Please comment, I'd like to know what you thought of it!

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