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"Get your hands off me now" my voice cold and annoyed. Staring at the clearly intoxicated male in front of me. He endless amount of flirting attempts were rejected, and each time he wouldn't get the memo that I wasn't interested. The one thing I hated were men that won't take no for an answer.

Finally having enough, I tugged hard enough that his grip loosened. Rolling my eyes at his feeble attempts to continue, I walked away. This wasn't my scene, the only reason I came to this stupid club was because of my friend. As you can clearly tell, she ditched me. Leaving the bar with an annoyed expression, I walked down the street.

The sound of my phone chiming echoed through the silent street. Glancing down at it, my heart stopped in fear. Help me! Quickly unlocking the phone and opening the tracking app, I basically started sprinting down the streets, trying to locate where my friend was.

Halting in front of building where Layla's phone was signalling from. About to call the cops, an agonizing pain flared in the back of my head. Wobbling to stay balanced, I rotated to see a man behind me. Lunging towards me, his hands wrapped around my neck so quickly I couldn't process it. Smacking my head into the metal railing on the stairs I groaned in pain.

Dropping the phone on the ground, I was yanked inside the house where my friend's phone was pinging from. Unbeknownst to me, my finger somehow clicked the emergency call button. The first responder listening on the other side of the phone heard most of the commotion coming from the house.

Thrown inside the room, I saw Layla on the floor, hands tied, tear stains on her cheeks. "Layla". Running over to her about to untie her hands, her whimpers turned to screams, warning as the man came up behind me. Yanking my hair, he flung me across the room, my body connected against the glass before being slammed to the floor due to gravity.

On shaky feet, I stood up once again, my hazy eyes not fully able to make out his face. "What they hell do you want". Watching what was happening with blurry vision, he yanked Layla to her feet, her cries of pain hurting my ears. The blood was now more noticeable. His laugh disturbing and dark. Spotting the weapon being placed her head, my eyes widened. Before he could pull the trigger, I dove for it, not caring if i got shot in the process. If I could buy Layla more time to get away, then that is what I would do.

Wrapping my hand around the gun, I used all of my momentum to throw us on to the ground. Wrestling for the gun, the malicious man kicked me several times, trying to get my hands to slip off the gun. "Layla run" my voice screamed. Only as I did, the gun fired, the bullet piercing my skin.

A scream of pain ricocheted through the house, causing the man to flinch slightly. Smashing my head into the ground, I felt all my adrenaline leaving. I became helpless. My friends screams becoming louder as he beat her, the gun firing a few more times. Desperately trying to crawl over to her, i ignored the flaring pain in my stomach.

A foot connected to my stomach, the blow knocking the wind out of me. The next few minutes, I started to pass out. I watched through my blurry vision as the man ran from the house, and the colors of sirens started to bounce down the street. The sirens were barely audible, as i stared at Layla's hunched over body.

Whimpering in pain with each movement I tried, I could feel my strength leaving, and the blood seeping through the wound. Pressing my hand against the gunshot, I whined at the feeling. Figures started to flood the house, officers trying to locate the assailant. Blinking a few times, trying to clear my vision of the dots, a man rushed over to me.

His lips were moving as he tried to communicate with me, only I wasn't able to process it. I stared blankly, before feeling my eyes droop close. My hand holding the gunshot went limp. A strong hand took it's place, trying to keep pressure. Taps were placed against my cheek. Slowly opening my eyes, I met his hazel eyes filled with concern.

No matter how hard I tried to keep them open, I couldn't. My body was exhausted and I let the darkness take me.

Author Note

It's officially here. I officially created a Hank Voight fanfic. I have been thinking about it for a while and finally just said I am doing it. So welcome!!!!

I really excited to write this actually. Hank is someone who is protective to those he cares about, so for him to have a love interest, it will truly show a side to him we don't really know. I'm excited to put her in situations and see protective Hank Voight come out.

As for the age difference, it's going to be a big gap. I want Brooklyn to be somewhere in her late twenties. I never really know how old Hank is so I am putting him so where in the late 40's. So if that freaks you out, I am sorry.

Hopefully you like it!

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