"I don't want to be tempted to break my covenants."

"You sound like a nun."

"Call me a nun all you want but I'm not risking the liability of getting under the covers with you, Nick Cam."
"You nasty little boy,"

"Nasty? I'm an adult. I do what I want, when I want, with whomever I want."

"Well then get used to not getting what you want around me."😛🤓

"Fine. Tomorrow. After school."

I sent my address and could hardly go to sleep. I was going to try and sleep with her but I guess it would have to wait.

I saw her in the hall at school the next morning and walked with her to our first class. I sat down in the joint desk beside her and planned on moving when the bell rang to my assigned seat across the room.

She wore tight jeans again but a loose orange shirt with a yellow mustard jacket. Her hair was curled again and she had a little bit of makeup on. I knew that the only reason she was dressing up was for me. What she didn't know, I figured, was that I already knew what she looked like before she began dressing up. And I didn't have a problem with it.

The bell finally rang and I went on over to my seat right as Kyle walked in.

"Hey, man, were you just chitchatten' with that girl?" I realized something in Kyle's question when we sat down. I looked over at Stacy before answering and frowned.

"Yeah, so?" I shrugged. I realized that Kyle almost always says "chick." And he didn't call Stacy a "chick" because she wasn't pretty. I suddenly felt a heavy heart for the poor girl and tried to understand her initial feelings when I had first confessed to her. Till now she probably thought she was going to be alone forever.

I tried texting her during class but she didn't respond until lunch. I assumed she didn't look at her phone until free time or something.

"I can't wait for tonight."

"Me neither."🙈


"Stop that! I'm not on my bed or alone to squirm and giggle."

"I would very much like to see that." 😏

"I would be so embarrassed."

I poked my head up at the lunch table and tried to find my Stacy. She was sitting with a group of kids that I didn't even know. One of them got up and walked his lunch tray over to the garbage then to the tray counter. He was wearing a BYU sweatshirt.

She was sitting with other Mormon kids. I looked over at Kyle and he was flirting with a girl named Annie. I got up from the bench and walked straight over to Stacy. She looked up from her homemade lunch and spotted me.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I slid in next to her.

"I want to sit with you." I shrugged. I placed my elbows on the table and stole a dorito chip from a small bag she had.

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