Chapter 3

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      I didn't eat or sleep because he's gone, he left me to be alone with no family left. Why? JUST WHY DID HE LEAVE ME?! I'm depressed the others are worried about me but I'm fine. I always shut them out, but they don't leave me alone. Raf is also worried about me, he's my best friend and he tries to help me come out of my berch room, but I only come out if there's an emergency.

    I'm tired but I can't sleep without him, he's probably watching me from the heavens. I miss him he's the only brother I had, but I have to get over it, but I don't know how to get over him. I should have seen it coming so he could still be alive. I'm a bad brother and a stupid one for not seeing Megatron behind me.

   I failed you, I failed my team, and I failed me. I cry every night when my memory comes back of him dying in front of me. I want him back so I won't be depressed anymore. 

 ~~~~~~~Back on the cons ship~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Third point of view)

   "Did you go get the traitor's body?!" Megatron yelled at Starscream, "Yes I do Lord Megatron" As he walks in with knockouts body in his arms. "good now for plan B" Megatron says with a smile. "go take his body to shockwave and tell him to provide Plan B for his body" Starscream nods and takes knockouts body to shockwaves room and tells him Megatrons Plans B.

  Shockwave nods and starts to work on knockouts body to where he won't remember Bumblebee as his brother. When Shockwave was done, he powered on knockout and asked: " do you know bumblebee?" "no, I don't remember him at all? Who is he?" " He's an Autobot the killed you and i had to fix you and your brother died by saving you from Bumblebee. Bumblebee killed your brother."

  "That traitor killed my brother?! He will pay for what he did!" Shockwave smiled and told Megatron that he did it with his Plan B.

~~~~~~Back at the Autobot base~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  I was thinking to myself about how I failed him, but that stopped when the alarm went off. I ran out of my room and went to the main room. "Autobots roll out!!!!" I transformed and rolled out into the ground bridge, but when I got threw I did not spect him to be there.


Sorry, I got to end there, but there will be another one I promise and I'm sorry for not updating but I will try to update a lot so goodnight and sweet dreams cause I need some BYE!!!!!!


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